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Everything posted by kbobam
Since we've already been a little 'flexible' for the October color, my nomination for November is 'turkey'.
Like the marbles, but unless you show us the background separately, those tiny bits of lettering are kind of a tease. ( :
I was getting nowhere with this one, and wound up forgetting about it. But seeing it again, I had a 'vision'. The answer is totally insane, but I'm certain I'm right. No question about it! ( :
You know better than I do! But I'm sure we agree that Steph is a 'winner'! Of the little German I know, I remember two words very well. When I was a little boy my father would sometimes take me to lunch at a German restaurant we both liked. This place featured Lowenbrau beer, and there were two giant beer taps labeled 'Hell' and 'Dunkel' for what I learned was 'light' (not the American kind!) and 'dark'. After we sat down, I would sometimes do my 'routine'. It starts off rather quietly and ends very loudly. "So, Dad........." (Dad looks slightly alarmed. He forgot about the routine.) "Are you going to have the dunkel?" (He knows what's coming next. He's looking down with his hand on his face.) "Or the HELL!" (At this point I'm laughing uncontrollably, and he's ready for one of each.)
I've had a 'picture' (Ha!) in my mind of a photo I've been wanting to do for years. It's supposed to show Fall foliage in a rather 'abstract' way, and look sort of like a painting. This shot from today is the closest I've come so far. ( :
Ha! Steph came up with the 'answer' I was looking for while I was doing 'research'. (I'm not very familiar with the Bond movies.) In American English 'Nick Nack' doesn't look like a particularly 'nice' name to have. The slightly slang word 'knick-knack' often implies something small and of little value. On a separate note, if I was reading correctly, it sounds like the German 'schnick schnack schnuck' is the same as the American 'rock paper scissors' game. Now it's time to have a fun quiz for English-speaking people! (Not you, Hoody! ) Can you translate the German below? If so, then you can officially call yourself bi-lingual! Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt
Usually I tend to think that shorter 'to the point' commercials are better. But I found this one so entertaining that I'm making an exception. Valuable Bonus YouTube Tip! - Sometimes tube videos play at a lower resolution than they should. It's a good idea to click that little 'gear' button and check your settings. This one was playing at '360' and looked pretty bad. Since '1080' was available, I just clicked on that and after a few moments of processing the video was razor sharp and just beautiful. This is especially significant if you're watching the video 'full-screen', which is what you should be doing with this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubftAJI1D1Y
Haven't done one of these in a while! In tonight's tv episode of 'Last Man Standing', Mike gets a really nice birthday gift from his family! ( :
My new 'Word of the Day' is "Captain". I'll let 'Sheldon' explain it.....
As you yourself mentioned recently, 'Father Knows Best'! And that was a pretty interesting television show to bring up in the other discussion. I think a lot of us would lump it into the category of 'those neat old 60's sit-coms'. But the actual 1954-1960 time period clearly puts it in 'The Fifties'. But somehow, for me, it feels more like a 60's show. I think it was a little ahead of its time in terms of 'the style' of network programming that we'd see in the first half of the next decade.
Okay! I do have to 'humbly' admit that it was learning about the existence of a '7up' which got me into this whole marble-mess in the first place!
Ha! Although I don't have experience, there's no doubt in my mind that this is exactly how things work! I wasn't all that crazy about 'cute' LOL cats way back when, but I got to like them more when they started to have a little more 'substance' to them, like your example here. So I was a little surprised the other day when I came upon this 'back to basics' one and it totally cracked me up!
Coming up with 'names' for un-named marbles can be a fun thing to do. I admit it. I've done it. But 'taking them seriously' is an entirely different thing. The idea of suddenly creating names for marbles which have been around for decades is silly. It smacks of the 'teenage bravado' many of us have gone through when we came to the conclusion that our parents are clearly stupid, and that only we can 'change the world'. If the actual history of a marble doesn't appear to include a proper name, then so be it. That's the way it is, and what I want in my marble 'education'.
This just reminded me of another 'emoticon issue'! The old 'person banging his head on his computer desk' would be good here! ( :
New one on me! Honestly, I have no idea if I'd be thrilled to meet him or completely freaked-out. ( : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWO9yCLf5ck
Here's a new one. How would you like to be the single most intelligent person in the world? Sounds pretty good at first. But when you think about it, no one else would be able to fully recognize or acknowledge this fact! So it might actually turn into a 'living hell'. At least 99% of us know exactly what this feels like!
Ha! I already thought that revolving doors were ridiculous! But your brilliant 'slamability' idea makes them even more-so!
Nice! Speaking of Warhol, (as we did elsewhere) I really like the overall 'look' of the presentation here. It's terrific as it is, but you could also separate and off-set different 'sections' and that could look great too! (I guess I'm thinking in terms of large display prints on a wall.)
Cool! I don't get as excited about Sparklers as many people around here, but I really love this one! ( :
I hope so. You can lock them all up, as far as I'm concerned. I understand how they can be beneficial in many different ways. And I admire the person who invented them. Probably a genius. Although, if you believe the 'historical legend', this was a quirky neurotic guy who for whatever reason just hated the social requirement of holding doors open for women, which was well-accepted at the time. 'Genius' often works in mysterious and questionable ways. So my imho bottom line is that all the great 'energy efficiency' and other benefits of revolving doors don't negate the fact that they're totally insane.
Glad to hear it! And thanks for avoiding spoilerage! I've been looking forward to checking out the show, but to be honest, when it comes to viewing habits, Steph and I are kind of strange. For any given show, we're either exactly 'on the same page' or we're at 'polar opposites'. Not much middle-ground. So I appreciate the second opinion. I still haven't tried it, but Gimp has always sounded like a great program to check out. And for people who are new to this sort of thing, it would certainly be worth getting some experience with something like this before deciding whether it's worth it to commit a lot of money to another program. P.S. (Said in stern voice) There is to be no 'cutting and pasting' of the "Steph and I are kind of strange" quote for comedic purposes in any future posts!
I think I liked Beaver at the time too. Leaning more toward Donna these days. The one thing I remember about all the old 'family' sit-coms is that as a rather precocious young boy I was pretty 'hot' for all the moms. The more age-appropriate daughters just didn't cut it in comparison. I have no idea if this was simply good taste on my part, or if I have some real problems. That's interesting about the 'progression' of the Donna Reed show. Way back when, my tv viewing was pretty random, and I don't think I was especially conscious of any time sequences or 'attitude adjustments'. But these days it's really fun when an 'oldies' network decides to broadcast a complete 'marathon' and you can start watching from the beginning. The 'pilots' and 'finales' of some of the great old shows can be particularly entertaining, if you're not in the mood to watch or record every episode. ( :
You know, I've never seen that! My oldies station has an episode listed, so I'm going to check it out. Maybe they're 'testing the waters' to see if they want to run a 'marathon'. ( :
This 'moment in time' is from the old Donna Reed television show. It both cracks me up and horrifies me. The good doctor (pediatrician!) of the town has been 'volunteered', without his knowledge or consent, to judge a 'beautiful baby' contest. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! It's also an unusual moment in that it's very rare to see this sort of 'point-of-view' vantage point in older situation comedies. You're seeing the scene through the character's eyes, which makes it easier to put yourself in his position. I think that's why this kind of makes me cringe.
♪ Mib on the run..... Mib on the ru-un.... ♪ Note the clever diversionary tactic to avoid answering the question ( :