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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Looking again, this one looks more like black than the one in the album. But they both have sort of the same shape. And what I was mostly noticing was that both have an almost textured look where the opaque white meets the other color. Like an eggshell with a hole in it. ( :
  2. Is marble #7 similar to this other one of yours? Are we dealing with opaque white and transparent blue? I'm envious. You can't put a price on that moment when you get to open your return package!
  3. Thanks, Ann! Was starting to worry I'd shut everyone up indefinitely! ( :
  4. I wonder how much one of the original "special machines" used for 'water-testing' would go for fully restored?
  5. At least I'm assuming that's what we're looking at here on the left side of the picture. Looks like something the guys on the 'American Restoration' show got their hands on. Anyone have any idea or guess what it is?
  6. At least the seller in the second example isn't calling his marble 'mint'. (Although he may still be way off for all I know.) So what's the deal with all the little holes (I'm assuming) in the first mib? Do they 'appear' because of the polishing process? Or would they still exist, but without the perfectly round smooth edges? Thanks.
  7. You are so 'spacey'! Very neat. I didn't know about that. Anyone who's interested should take the photo file name 'saturn hex' and punch it into their search engine. The repetition of shapes is a mind-blowing thing. This can be a single shape repeated through time and/or space, or multiple repetitions in a confined area, like an ear of corn. In the case of the corn, you're actually dealing with what I'd call 'progressive repetition'. Get this. You're actually seeing time and space simultaneously in the pattern of the kernels! I'm honestly convinced that if you studied these patterns and shapes long enough, you'd understand life itself. Man! What was in that punch? ( :
  8. Involving Ziploc plastic bags, of all things. From the fine folks at SC Johnson. ( :
  9. This is very cool looking, but I'm not feeling certain about what it is. ( :
  10. That is so cool. I don't remember seeing one of those. There's always been something special about that run. If you poke them in the ribs a couple times, even people that hate JABO(s) will eventually mumble something along the lines of "Well......I don't know.....I guess some of those Mansions aren't so bad....."
  11. My local vet people had a public-service-announcement sign out today. ( :
  12. I have no idea how I have an image of a flying Pterodactyl in my mind, but I see what you mean! Looked it up somewhere which said the Great Blue life expectancy is about fifteen years. I've been seeing this guy for twelve, and when I first moved here I was informed that a Great Blue lived here, so am assuming that he'd already been around a while. He's getting up there.
  13. Used to be iddy biddy! In scientific circles, this is known as the 'Fritzie Effect'.
  14. What's going on in that last shot? It looks like the Moonie 'amber glow' effect, which is sometimes less glowy and more precise and sparkly as it appears here. ( :
  15. The other evening my bird buddy let me get reasonably close. I was sad to see that he looked a little older than I thought he was. And maybe right here a little bit sad. And confused by that. I think we may be better friends than either of us know. ( :
  16. The cactus is cool. I probably shouldn't assume that it's a cactus. Up close, things aren't always as they seem. I don't know what to think about Mike's bug. One minute I'm looking at it and having all these "The beauty of nature!" sensations, and then I look away for a second and when I look again it just creeps me out. Nice shot either way!
  17. Boy I hope this isn't any kind of solemn memorial. It makes me want to laugh in a feel-good kind of way. Also never got a chance to say I like the Realers posted earlier. I've always thought they have a similarly special thing going on as the Pelt Bananas. ( :
  18. Well that's just great. Now I've had the George of the Jungle song in the back of my head for the past two days! I guess it was pretty popular. When I did a search to find a George photo, there were all these images that didn't make any sense to me at all. Apparently there've been several remakes in different forms. But this looks to be a collection of the shows I remember. ( :
  19. Lloyd, I have a funny feeling you haven't gotten 'stuck' very often in the Power Wagon. So I don't think you'd notice a lot of difference with these new ones. But they would be fun to try! Sometimes I wonder about these kids I see in the city who decide that the way to jazz up their 30 year old Lincoln is to install huge rims and tires with almost no sidewall at all. The original large sidewall had a lot to do with the 'luxury' ride of the car. And, as seen in your photo, the large sidewall is also necessary for vehicles that need its 'flex' to get through rough terrain. Low-profile tires are for race cars on a track. So these kids have paid many times what the car is worth for wheels that are going to make their car ride like a roller coaster and beat the holy heck out of their 30 year old suspension. Oh well. I was young and stupid once. Now I'm just old and differently stupid. ( :
  20. It's like two marbles in one! ( :
  21. The fine folks at General Mills had an lolcat moment in a recent commercial for Honey Nut Cheerios. ( :
  22. A cat is so much more interesting than a ship!
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