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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. I hadn't thought of that. Wasn't all that impressed by the cold, but put it together with how recently it was hot and it's pretty crazy. I used Steve's 'drip' idea for pipe preservation. It didn't 'not' work, so I like it. If you have a couple empty 5 gallon buckets, you extra-green people can do it in the shower. Then you can use the water for laundry or flushing or whatever.
  2. We made it down to 3F last night. In the 20s today, supposedly up to 30 tomorrow, and almost 40 the next day. At least on the States' Eastern Seaboard the whole 'nuclear Arctic volcano' thing was a bust. Just a semi-record quick overnight low. I will say the sound of the wind was haunting and unusual.
  3. Hoping these reposts are okay for the calendar. Trying to avoid anything too recent. ( :
  4. "An alien egg?" That would certainly work! Most of my Moonie shots were taken around the same time, and as I remember the only idea was to get a lot of 'moon-feel' into them. Past that, they're open for interpretation. That shot shows the actual foam and tape packaging the marble came in, and what it looked like when I finally got it open. The black background with slightly-curved horizon are supposed to have a spacey/planetary look. Here's another. ( :
  5. It's too hot in Europe, and too cold here! This is pretty strange. The End is near! Well, maybe I'm just being a little paranoid. If I translated correctly, jeroen's figures are 58 degrees F today, and hopefully below freezing next week. That's right. 0 degrees is 'freezing'! Kind of makes sense! But why should we have to deal with a much more logical system that's used by 95% of the world?
  6. What about Raj's girlfriend, Kate Micucci?
  7. Geesh. Just tuned into this thread to report that it's going down to 7 degrees tonight. Not very impressive to most of you here! It'll be a fast and furious drop from 50. Will definitely be putting the trickle charger on the old truck battery. ( :
  8. Nice. How many messages have you gotten asking if it's for sale?
  9. Huh! Tried to reply last night but I guess it didn't happen. Knowing me, I probably 'previewed' and forgot I hadn't 'posted'. Boy, these are just crazy-cool! Any idea what the deal is with the color one? I'm guessing it must be hand-colored, but don't really have a clue. Not sure if I'd want to subject that one to the heat of 'projection'. ( :
  10. Hope I don't need to apologize here, but I certainly do if I've misinterpreted. I was thinking about bumper-stickers I've seen on the cars of Eastern Shore people which proclaim "I'm from the (let's say brick) -house side of Maryland. I always thought this statement was one of pride. It's a lot more 'country' over there than much of the rest of the state. The land just stretches out forever, and it's truly beautiful. I always look forward to trucking jobs that take me there for most of the day. But I just did a little research and found out that a whole lot of Shore people took serious exception to Governor Schaefer referring to the area this way. So now I don't know what to think. I was just thinking that marble-digging opportunities would be easier and more abundant there than in Annapolis or Baltimore!
  11. Just noticed you're from the privy-digging side of Maryland! Hi! On my setup the lightest areas of the marble have a definite pink cast. Is that the case, or are they more of a pure white?
  12. This is just too cool. (More pictures if you check out 'what it is')
  13. Ha! Was just wondering what you were using for marble stands, and finally figured out they're bottles! Or something very close.
  14. Nice! Man I hope I get to dig something up one of these days! Really like the 'rootbeer' coloring of some of those. And the extreme contrast of what I'll call the 'half-and-half' is great. ( :
  15. I like the marble in post #10. It's pepperminty and spearminty at the same time. I've just been enjoying the marbles here, and lost track of the fact that we have a 'project' going on. Will try to do better. ( :
  16. So I needed something to get myself worked-up about for the holidays. So why not a Greater Doxology grievance? In excelsis deo. How should it be pronounced? Personally, I'm an "In ex-kell-sis day-oh" person. That's how Latin is pronounced to my knowledge. (I'm going to skip the in and deo from now on.) But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that, once again, I have no more idea of what's right or wrong than anyone else. And that language is pronounced differently in different situations. Still don't like the "eggshell-cease" pronunciation, and my one exception (egg-sheption?) to maybe being open to all the variations one hears is "ex-sell-see-us" with its extra syllable. That's just dead wrong. But as much as I sometimes get old and crotchety about language changes, they do and always have happened. Which lead me to realize that Latin was around for a while. So at this point there are really no 'givens'. And there's also 'Church Language', which is kind of different from normal talk. So there's a distinction between formal and casual pronunciation. Which I have to assume was just as true way back when. And there's always some 'poetic license' when it comes to songs, wherever they're sung. So that's another thing, which leads to the conclusion that - There's no answer to this question. I'm getting to where I think there's no 'answer' to any question. But at least this may help explain why I sound half out of my mind much of the time! (And I'm kind of hurt by those of you who just said "Half?")
  17. No problems here. Windows 7 64, with Chrome browser. Switched from IE to Chrome after major problems at JABOland. No more problems there, but don't think anyone else was having any. FWIW!
  18. I just looked over my last message and realized it was 'vague'. The "you" who was accused of being "mysterious" was women in general and not anyone in particular.
  19. Thanks! I'm too 'old and set' to normally think of videos. But the surprising to me amount of good stuff that came up with a general search makes that sound like a great idea. ( :
  20. Do you already know where m!b$ was going with her comment? It's always seemed funny to me how women seem to have a very good sense of where other women rank in the pretty and/or sexy scale, but guys have no sense of how other guys look to women at all. Maybe when it comes to your Hollywood leading-man types versus most of us, but below that level, not a clue. You continue to be very mysterious. I'm starting to think that you like it that way! ( :
  21. The topic of celebrities we admire and/or like in other ways was mentioned recently. Coincidentally, I watched a Christmas movie I'd recorded the other week right after reading it. And there was one of mine! Remember Julia Duffy from the 'Newhart' show? I think she was about 35 at the time, but the entire world figured she was maybe 20. She hasn't lost that quality. I crunched the numbers, and she's fifty-freaking-nine years old here! Holy cow.
  22. kbobam


    Thanks! Can you shed some more light on the Slaggymay/marbleus1 post? I like the old photojournalism look of the photo, but am wondering about the 'adventure' mentioned in the response. ( :
  23. Both very cool! First one is more traditional, in a 'reflector' sense. But the second one has at least as much 'disco feel' with the neat 'lit from within' look. ( :
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