Hey Craig!
Really like that first one in post 3 and the others
you show with it 'in hand' in a later shot.
(In hand! I made a marble funny! Well, maybe.)
They make me think of actual beach-balls, although I don't
mean to be confusing. Think I've heard of other marbles
with that name, but don't remember them. I just like the
simple patterns with 'happy' bright colors.
Would also like to ask Mark if 'trash pits' refers to what I'd
loosely call a 'dump-site', or if it's something more specific.
Was informed recently that there've been several dump-
sites in the woods around my location within the past 80 years
or so, and wondering if I should be exploring. Friendly with
the owners, so it would probably be okay.
Paul (idigjars) turned me on to the idea of 'privy-digging' recently,
and it's pretty clear I'm a total newbie with this stuff, but the whole
idea of 'buried treasure' makes me feel like a young kid again.
Here's a link for anyone who thinks this might be interesting.