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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Hey Craig! Really like that first one in post 3 and the others you show with it 'in hand' in a later shot. (In hand! I made a marble funny! Well, maybe.) They make me think of actual beach-balls, although I don't mean to be confusing. Think I've heard of other marbles with that name, but don't remember them. I just like the simple patterns with 'happy' bright colors. Would also like to ask Mark if 'trash pits' refers to what I'd loosely call a 'dump-site', or if it's something more specific. Was informed recently that there've been several dump- sites in the woods around my location within the past 80 years or so, and wondering if I should be exploring. Friendly with the owners, so it would probably be okay. Paul (idigjars) turned me on to the idea of 'privy-digging' recently, and it's pretty clear I'm a total newbie with this stuff, but the whole idea of 'buried treasure' makes me feel like a young kid again. Here's a link for anyone who thinks this might be interesting. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privy_digging
  2. "Scott Bakula has competition." Never expected to hear you say that!
  3. Nice! I don't know what this is. Going to look it up now.
  4. kbobam


    Imho, regardless of the circumstances, honesty deserves more respect than just about anything.
  5. Looks like you're not the only one!
  6. Saw a story about this on Yahoo this morning. If I'm remembering correctly, I think there were normal problems with the delivery companies that could probably have been adjusted for, but the ever-increasing use of online shopping outfits, and their increasing use of 'last-minute' special deals, was just overwhelming. Here's a similar story. Sorry all this info doesn't help you in a practical sense! http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/12/25/22047875-ups-fedex-draw-fire-after-christmas-delivery-problems?lite
  7. Thanks! So it looks like putting two 'halves' together simplifies things. The 'super-balls' I've shown here once or twice as jokes have this same type of seam. Likewise sometimes removed with a little more finesse than other times.
  8. I've been holding off, hoping someone else would ask. But what's a 'bullet-mold'?
  9. Another good choice! I wasn't expecting much, but wound up rolling. ( :
  10. A biggie to me about black and white is that there's a greater 'dynamic range' to it. At any given moment there can be really bright things and really dark things in the shot at the same time, and there's detail in both of them. Instead of ink black and clorox white. To this day, color film or video isn't as good in this respect.
  11. Galen's link here was a good double-whammy. Not only was it reassuring to know that Rich has a long way to go, but the http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ site is a lot of fun. Below is the largest 'Rich Reunion' ever! ( :
  12. My attorney has advised me that my state of mind lately requires me to post some sort of 'disclaimer' to cover myself for anything I might have said recently or might say in the 'foreseeable' future. So here it is!
  13. It's not a football game! It's something from a late-night advertisement, and my normally rational cynical self thinks I must have it! A device which takes bacon and forms it in a way that you can cook it and wind up with a little bowl you can stuff with anything. Look at these burgers! At this moment it's very hard for me to imagine anything that could possibly taste better than these! ( :
  14. I'll have to check that one out. I see one review starts with "Gloriously rude and gleefully offensive"!
  15. Check that out! Hollywood couldn't do a better Christmas setting! Wasn't able to save the photo so I could zoom in and take a closer look, but is that actually a Christmas movie on a TV in the background? ( :
  16. As a dedicated couch-potato I'm no longer talking to 'The Punter'. There've been a lot of great holiday movies on Lifetime. I was ridiculously happy when they dropped the logo shown below. Man it used to pee me off when they actually said it at every break. I have no idea why every guy in the world isn't a 'feminist'. If you put women in a 'role', then it automatically ass-umes that men have a 'role' too. I don't want that any more than they do! Don't get me wrong. When I suddenly spin around there are drops of testosterone flying all over the place!
  17. Although the television 'tradition' that you can see below in my guide listings is a little strange, I'm going to have to go with this one. It has the light-hearted semi-silliness that I enjoy in movies and other shows. ( :
  18. And they have the Oranjeboom I mentioned recently in a conversation with Winnie too! Don't know why I have 'beer on the brain' lately.
  19. Really well-put! So many discussion/debates are mostly about semantics, and many of us forget that we're not really disagreeing. (Guilty as charged!)
  20. Nice label on nice glass! I guess all that 'rivalry' explains the intensity of the responses to my can. Steve, I'm such a believer that I'm convinced you could build a big enough slingshot to send a marble over the river from Ohio to West Virginia. What do you say? Probably get you in the Guinness book. And we all want to see you on TV!
  21. Hey Rich! How about a little holiday 'Heart News'? In the words of a great fictional marble tabloid, "Marble-ing minds want to know!" Hope you're getting and giving some joy as always!
  22. I'm guessing the primary holiday greeting post will be in the 'general' category. But I just want to post one here for insurance, since I may be in a self-induced semi-coma for a couple days. Wishing everyone all the best!
  23. Honestly (which is to say that I'm going to stop being man-bitchy just for the fun of it), I'd have to say that most marbles are closest to the blender. In the sense that they probably won't have any significant inflation-fighting potential in the long run. Eventually air, water, and food will be among the few things that have 'true value'. Don't really know why gold does, but that seems to be the way it is. (For now.) I'm certainly much more confused than you are. Think I'm faded and jaded before my time. The holidays probably don't help, but hoping you and everyone else enjoy them! ( :
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