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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Here's a shot of Santa planting a tree at the top of 400 Broad Street in Seattle, Washington, just prior to the 1962 World's Fair. I thought it was cool. ( :
  2. No doubt they're both great! (And just between you and me, Mike seems like a nice humble guy, but he has a lot of influence. If he wants ten more pictures, you really ought to do it.) Just kidding, and I apologize to both of you for being goofy tonight. On a more serious note, we were talking about black glass recently, and how the color can vary. Any chance you could aim a nuclear beam at the black stripe and see if it has a 'tinge' to it? We were talking about non-marble Akro pieces before, which are a little easier to deal with, but if it can be done with a marble, that would be interesting. Does black glass really exist? ( :
  3. Tonight I'm kind of feeling and appreciating what you like in the marks. Although I like the metal-reaction color changes in the third picture as well. Have to assume the photos will only help find others who share your interest. ( :
  4. Man. The whistle is really slick on so many levels.
  5. I think the addition of the black makes this 'eye candy' a little more interesting than the 'killer'. ( :
  6. The Vitros are nice, and I'll bet in-hand the 7/8 size is perfect. And winnie's photo is just crazy-good with the 3D lighting. Whenever I actually manage to take a photo which both shows the marble well technically, and has a good 'artsy' look to it, I don't have much use for the marble anymore. I don't know if that's weird or not. I sort of figure I've gotten 90% of my potential enjoyment, so the only logical peace/love/understanding thing to do is pass it on to someone else who might also get 90% from it. Closest I'm ever going to get to achieving perpetual motion! ( :
  7. Just noticed the file name of the photo, which suggests that my reaction had already been duly noted. ( :
  8. If you completely invert that concept, it looks like the eye of a feline reptile.
  9. That was better with a little more explanation. Hope this increases your odds of finding what you need!
  10. As someone who is a total ignoramus on this subject (and on most others if you ask certain people) I just wanted to mention that I have no idea what you're talking about here. The post is a little vague. I don't mean that in a rude way, since your 1022 other posts have been great!
  11. kbobam


    Only if the meat is on sticks! And personally I think you need chili in vinegar along with the peanut sauce. Here's a recipe. http://leitesculinaria.com/78648/recipes-thai-chile-vinegar-sauce.html And here's a video I found which isn't what I was thinking of, but it just looked too good. ( : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEAGEB8UjLM
  12. EdNargel's first picture kind of eluded me too. On my setup the photo was a little dark. I tried to save it as a photo file in the hope that I could lighten it up and get a better look, but the way it was posted wouldn't let me do that. It still looks interesting. ( :
  13. Apparently the word 'adorbs' really exists! At least, this is my second 'sighting'. So it looks to me like young people today who adopt this word are basically saying that what used to be "able" should now be "bs"! (Pretty powerful, huh? I could have been in politics!) Although I suppose it could also be said that all the denim I applied bleach to many many years ago was my way of dissolving the 'fabric' of American society! The older I get, the more I know I don't know. ( :
  14. Pretty clear to me that you did nothing but help the thread! But I do wonder sometimes about the names of certain topics. And the funny thing is that it's the 'best named' ones that sometimes seem to have a problem. At least in my own personal neurotic experience. It's the 'long-term' topics, like this one, or 'food', or 'what are you listening to now?'. Sometimes these forums have a lull for a while, and it feels like a message you leave in them gets so quickly pushed into the background by a current 'hot' topic that many people don't get a chance to see it. On the other hand, if you start a new, more noticeable thread, you feel like you're not playing by board etiquette. I don't know. Maybe I just worry about stuff too much. ( :
  15. Well I 'got nothing.' But thanks for a fun topic. ( :
  16. Wow. Got hit with another flashback today. It's kind of funny to me that Cissy and I grew up together. Sort of. I remember her as a hot 'older woman' when I was a young boy. And now that I'm a relic, she still looks good! (Extra points if you can name the doll.)
  17. I did this same thing in another forum/thread earlier. Which is to say that I agree with Galen, even though I generally agree with the people who don't agree with him. Well, at least recently. (Although at this point, maybe I should accept the possibility that I agree with him more often than I think.) Even without being a 'legal' professional, It seems pretty clear to me that his definitions of conservation and restoration are right on the mark. I like to think that I would have pointed this out even if he hadn't. Still, Rich has taken the best of the best Jabos and made them even better, and Gnome Punter has made it clear that he's a brilliant son of a so and so in a short period of time, and it's really good to have the both of them here, so I hope this all works out! ( :
  18. Think you got a great deal any way you look at it! But yeah, you more serious and experienced people are more in tune with what's really going on. I'm just thinking the bay prices can be an extra indicator of how one style of object might compare to another as far as popular opinion.
  19. kbobam

    Hey Steph

    (Please forgive me for doing the lawyer-like thing and making a disclaimer! But I really need to say that I like and respect all the parties involved here.) So what I'm thinking right now is that I thought of Galen's post as being self-deprecating humor, and it was funny. Which is what I think Gnome Punter's reply post meant as well. So for my interpretation, I think Duffy was a little over-sensitive on this one, and hope everyone thinks I'm being un-biased since I've been agreeing with Duffy more often than Galen recently. ( :
  20. Glad Duffy got this going again. Always liked the ashtrays. I was purchasing occasional non-marble Akro stuff for a period of time a few years ago. So my two cents here is to say that I have a spectacular 'silver oxblood' ashtray. Might have gotten a little lucky, but was able to afford it. I never saw any black pieces that I could even afford an opening bid on. So I may be two or three years behind, but in my experience mibcapper is right in saying the blacks are harder to find, and most often priced accordingly. And I like his term 'whacked out ox'! If you've seen one, you know. William Marbles' bay link reminded me that this is the seller I got most of my limited Akro knowledge from. Just from watching the auctions. And the current price on the ashtrays isn't that bad compared to most of the 'out of the ballpark' black Akro prices I've seen. (I May Not Be Remembering Correctly! Please Don't Take This As Advice!)
  21. Thank you to all my friends who admitted to being on a similar wavelength and made me feel better. I'm kind of thinking that a certain percentage of young people right now would be able to identify Betty in a current photo, just because she's still here and hilarious, but not necessarily in an older one. Who knows. ( :
  22. Holy cow. The flowers and dew is just spectacular. ( :
  23. Here's a moment from a popular sit-com where a young daughter is concluding a long list of reasons that her father shouldn't suspend her internet and phone privileges. It's just funny in its own right, and I'm not making fun here or anything like that. On the other hand, (Steph is now thinking "Here it comes!") I'm still sticking to my guns that the stupid 'texting' spelling in pet humor photos isn't always necessary. Gametech's series would have been just as hilarious with proper English. I also have to admit that I've always been the 'one in every crowd' kitten on the right, although I'm really trying recently to be more like the one on the left. Honest. Winnie's cat is of course mind-blowing. ( :
  24. Alleynut's shot is great. I think everyone should either go out and take photos like this, or look at the photos of those who do. Possibly meditate upon them. There's something about 'natural patterns' which can really teach you a lot. Well I think so. ( : And jeeperman's awesome b&w has both a 'natural pattern' (the tree) and an 'untold story' to it. Which is much more interesting than most 'Okay, I get it.' shots.
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