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Everything posted by kbobam
There've been so many really nice 'refined' marbles posted in this topic that I just felt a need to post some ruder/cruder blatant ones. ( :
These days they apparently have about a gazillion varieties, but I'm assuming you're talking about the original twist-wrapped 'chunks'. They were always my favorite, too. So much better than any other bubblegum, although I couldn't put into words exactly why. For $49.96 each, we could go halvesies on eight 300-count tubs of 'em! ( : (About 4 cents a piece. Not bad.)
This is a page from Dubble Bubble's 'bulk vending' specialty catalogue. It just looked like it belonged here somehow!
Cats love people who are allergic to them. This isn't to say that they don't frequently love people more who aren't. Just saying. My father taught me this when I was a boy. He was deathly allergic to cats, and explained to me that I might wind up 'kind of', since he was and my mother wasn't. My first genetics lesson! He was right. It doesn't bother me much now, but to this day I can show up at a party, sit down on a couch, and cats will suddenly appear from the woodwork and sit on my lap. And the host or hostess will look awestruck and exclaim "OMG! They never come out from hiding when we have people over!" And the truth is, I love them back. It's just unfortunate that at some point I'll have to go home, throw the clothing in the laundry bin and take a shower. Or else I'll get pretty itchy. Dad never got the luxury of cuddling a cat. He was too concerned about winding up in the emergency room. But his severe allergy got him into a pretty amusing (for others) situation when he'd take me for a walk through the neighborhood. Cats would even take time off from hanging out at the outdoor fish market for the privilege of walking down the sidewalk behind him! The 'King of Cats'! It made him kind of nervous.
Tough act to follow! Not even going to try. But today I felt mentally healthy enough to possibly enjoy one of the Christmas movies I recorded over the holidays this year. As such, I got to watch some 'Christmas commercials' that came along with it. This one definitely fell into my 'better than average' category. 'Say Sorry for the Holidays' was a clever 'outside the box' idea. ( : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioyRqp-mbX4
You guys consistently enjoy shows that I wouldn't even consider watching! I don't mean to say this in any way that implies 'judgment'. Just a matter of personal taste. But it's interesting to me that I otherwise particularly enjoy the way your 'brains' work, and that this subject somehow seems to be an exception It's making me think that in the future we may have situations where 'irreconcilable television remote control possession differences' might be considered a legitimate 'Divorce Court' concept. This would be a shame for people who are otherwise mentally 'on the same page', which is the most wonderful situation in the world. I think about stuff too much. ( :
Vitro Sparkler Brushed Oxblood Popeye
kbobam replied to bumblebee's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Have to add a 'thumb up' here for the admirably insane Alan and bumblebee! People who can creatively and humorously think 'outside the box' like this are the ones who will ultimately save the world from mutually assured self destruction and other similarly ridiculous things. ( : -
Ha! I love the 'entirely different beasts' peace love and understanding combo!
Gotta like it! Found some interesting stuff on the web, now that I'm armed with the proper name. Newton's Cradle produced better results than Clicky Ball Doohicky for some reason!
Thanks for the name, Ric! We had Darwin recently, and now here's Newton. I'm beginning to think that you find historical 'outside the box' brains interesting! 'Outside the Box' might not be a bad sub-category in the 'The Lounge' forum. ( : I just took another look at the video recording of this scene. It looks a little better than the 'still' I posted. The balls seem to have distinct colors, and the one on the right gives the impression of being a clear-based marble with a pattern. Still 'iffy' though, and of course we're all sometimes guilty of seeing what we want to see. I can't remember at all how the lines used to be attached to the balls. Guessing there may have been at least a couple variations, depending on how the manufacturer chose to balance different factors. And if there are marble versions of the device, a different type of attachment might be better suited for them than the steel ball way of doing it. Starting to get vague and rambley! I better shut up now!
Forgive me if this has already been covered. I don't remember. I'm watching a show and here's this gizmo which I remember being very popular in my youth. But they always had shiny steel balls. Were these ever made with marbles or something similar? These sure looked like marbles here, although the TV picture wasn't great and I couldn't be sure.
I guess it would only be proper to say that I don't mean to sound like I'm unequivocally recommending the Flowbee to everyone. It's certainly possible that my almost irresistible sex appeal has to do in part with the rugged 'attitude' that an 'I don't give a bleep' haircut suggests. Might not be the right look for everyone. ( :
Hee-hee! I figured out how to make my 'written lines' here come out just the way I want them to, without the stupid 'spaces' and without them needing to run into the far right border. ( :
The scene below is from a recent 'Modern Family' television episode. I suppose that it's inevitable that a product like this is going to be 'spoofed' at times. How could it not be? But I'm going to let you in on a little secret of mine. I haven't paid for a single haircut in the past twenty-five years. Guess why! My antique unit is a really well-built little device, and I continue to use it faithfully at least every other week. The 'return on investment' figure must be staggering!
You're familiar with bees? Cripes. If you have it in you that you wouldn't mind being a beekeeper if circumstances allowed for it, then you're a lot more gutsy than I am! ( : Part of my boring story was that I was lead into looking at this stuff because someone in a sit-com I was watching mentioned that a group of flamingos was called a "pat". Didn't see this mentioned anywhere on the 'web', although flamingos seem to have a larger than average number of names for their 'groups'.
Hadn't thought about that situation recently, but that sounds like another good thing. It's definitely easier and more reliable to close a separate window and/or tab than trying to shift into reverse and have the website or your browser get confused and goof up.
I had a similar 'coincidental' experience to what Edna went through. But finding out that this new situation wasn't a problem on my end wasn't much relief. Still, it's only reasonable for me to admit that I noticed a real improvement today! It looks like the new board format no longer decides to randomly change the capitalization of words in the title of a post you might make. This is really good. But as long as I'm here, I'm going to add to my list of complaints by saying that I'm getting tired of hitting the large emphasized 'Sign Up' button at the top right, when all I'm trying to do is 'sign-in'. Signing in is a daily occurrence. Signing up is a one time thing. Why in the world would someone suddenly decide to 'reverse' the big bold button on the right with the much more subtle text to the left? This is just 'silly', and I'm being incredibly 'polite' to describe it that way. ( :
I had a long boring story in mind to explain how I came to look up this topic tonight. But I like you guys too much to make you listen to it. I did find this one site that has a large collection of this always-fun subject. ( : http://mudfooted.com/unusual-names-for-animal-groups/
As always, my education is limited, but when I think 'Pelt' the picture in my brain never has a transparent base. Other than the Bananas. These really are nice!
Thanks, Ric. And that's a pretty obscure word. How did you know I was fluent in Czechoslovakian? So I get your point overall, but let me explain my particular personal beef, which I admit isn't the biggest deal in the world. (And I continue to hate these 'spaced' individual lines. I'd much rather have the ability to choose to keep the lines together, and use a space to separate paragraphs.) Since I use Photobucket for posting pictures here, it's important for me to see how the photo is going to look, rather than just seeing my pasted link. If the photo doesn't look 'right' for one of several reasons that frequently come up, the preview allows me to take all the time I need to correct it before actually committing to the post. As things are now, I'd have to make the post, see that it's a post I didn't want to make, and suddenly be 'under the gun/stopwatch' to correct it in a hurry before anyone sees it. Which couldn't be done in practice, since editing and/or re-sizing a photo along with re-uploading it to 'the bucket' and re-posting it here is a long painful process for me. My high blood pressure condition and highly neurotic personality aren't up to this situation!
The name Leslie is conspicuously absent here. ( :
I like this one. Definitely new to me. For some reason it immediately sounded like a 'Southern Belle' name. I could hear the 'coming out' party announcement "Miss Aubergine Montgomery!", as the young lady debutante began her slow descent down the stairs. ( :
You got it! And thanks. Poured some boiling water on a skillet a hamburger had been cooked in. The spheres are grease that floated up from the leftover crud.
This is actually a fairly close-up shot, but it kind of cracked me up how similar it looks to some of the terrific 'out of this world' photos that Ann posts. ( : (Are you fricking kidding me? We can't 'preview' our posts now?)