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Everything posted by dink1111
If I take it right, you're using Akron to encompass the entire area's marble/toy/glass industries? Kind of like saying Detroit to reference Ford, GM, Chrysler and sundry automotive industries.How big are your critters there? Darning eggs were of different sizes but most of Grandma's were the hole-in-a-sock size, I.e., egg-size.
I've been out of the loop so long I don't even know what an Akron is....
I could not get this box of beauties out of my mind for days after seeing it at the Decatur show. It really did just knock my knees right out from under me, I had to take a seat real quick next to that end table, so I could wallow in their glory without falling down and embarrassing myself in front of Ron and Nola. No point in posting my half dozen or so.... Dink
I had what I thought was a good clarification here, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I think I don't know what I think I know. So I'm pulling the whole comment while I chew on this a little more. Sorry.... Dink
That's awesome, Steph. I was just pondering some of those Rainbo-ish translucent thingies this afternoon, trying to pin them down to Vitro? Marble King? Pelt? New something? I have them in yellow, purple and also the blue like yours. And they are still sitting in the sort tray - unsorted. Dink
Good job for a first picture post. I remember how excited I was the first time it worked for me -- even if the picture was somehow upside down!
Well, this postal worker is tickled pink that the tournament prize was presented by the town's Postmaster, supervisor of the tournament!
That is one of the most beautiful marbles I have ever seen!! I'm, gob-stopped.
I'm about as insignificant a player in the marble world as they come, probably spent less than $100 with you over the years. Regardless, you always treated me with the same respect and dignity and courtesy you no doubt accorded to all of us. You have always been the most approachable, real, and dependable authority on marbles in the entire community. You make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. No intimidation, no high-falutin attitudes. I could ask you anything, and you unfailingly responded -- and usually the same freaking day! -- with the same courtesy, respect, and accuracy I imagine you gave to everybody. You have set a standard that needed setting, for that alone we are all forever in your debt. And you can still make me laugh out loud! I had no idea who Cheryl was until she signed a post as your ex-wife. I laughed because it did not surprise me in the least that your ex-wife AND her husband were in the trenches with you here. Good people draw good people around them, and you've lived your entire life honorably. That's just the kind of person you are. I love you, Alan, thanks for everything! Linda K
Do you live on the beach somewhere? Just curious about the sandy background.
S-O-O glad my husband wasn't at that auction, Beth, or one of us would be homeless. Pretty sure you don't have to feel bad about whatever you may have bid on these, it was a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Enjoy.
Hey, strangers! I haven't been on the boards for a while, spent the last few days catching up on the news here. Richard finally had the stroke I've been warning him about for so many years. No physical effects, but it scrambled his speech and executive thinking circuits pretty badly. He's made a great recovery, and is -- finally -- on meds for blood pressure and cholesterol. But because of the difficulty he had in decision-making, comparison and evaluation, and recognizing objects like his fork or his lighter, we concluded he probably ought to stay away from auctions for a while!! Anyway, here's a few goodies he scrounged up before his sabbatical, hope you like them. Or not. My uploader isn't doing its job. Have to work on this a bit, I see. But Hi to everybody, anyway. Dink
Thanks for resurrecting this thread. I missed it the first time around, and I've been looking for some good information on Ravenswood. Unfortunately it also means I'm going to have to dig through my mountain of Jabos again, because I'm pretty sure I've thrown some Ravenswoods in there!
Always hard to tell from pics, but the first one is red Jabos. 2. top row - Jabo with idunno in between bottom a new marble, 2 Jabos 3 - jabo 4 - newer Vitros with a couple of conquerors 5 - top 2 might be MK 6 - idunno 7 - MK 8 - I don't think these are MK, but I can't say what they are if they aren't Mk 9, 10, 11 are all Jabo Last pic probably Jabo, slight chance it could be Champion
We're off to Kokomo. Didn't find out I could get the time off from work until Tiesday....lucky I could still get a room at the marble rate, marbe not in the middle of themarble block but they said they would try to get us close. Wonder if this will be the year I finally get richard to sell some marbles??
I'm with Felicia. My first thought was if you planted it, you'd probably get a cantaloupe.
You did it again, Bill, made me look. Technically, slag is the chemical compound resulting from the smelting of iron ores, the stuff that's left after the ore is purified. Since limestone and flourite are often used as fluxes to facilitate the smelting process, this slag often has a pretty significant silica content. As far back as the Egyptians, it was known that by adding a little of this and a little of that to slag, you could come up with some pretty fine glass very economically. (Early Egyptian slag was a byproduct of clay and pottery production, but same principle). And that's what slag glass is, glass made from furnace slag and other ingredients. As to what bearing this has on the term 'slags' in marble-making, I'm not sure. It doesn't, in my mind, seem too far-fetched that the early marble manufacturers were indeed using "slag" glass as the base glass for their marbles, and the term 'slag' just stuck. Purely conjecture, of course, but hain't that what most of our marble information is LOL? Man, just a quick perusal of the topic made my head hurt!! Dink
Master Marbles Appreciation Thread
dink1111 replied to feelnmarbleous 's topic in General Marble & Glass Chat
Ah, Master marbles....been on a Master's kick for a while now. For a "common" marble, they seem to me to be uncommonly hard to find, at least in the wild. Here's a few pics from the "MasterJar". Unfortunately, the pics of my Masters tray, the one that holds the best of the best, just didn't turn out very well. And, no, I didn't pay $30 for that marble LOL Here's a close-up of a few nice ones from the jar. Dink -
Well good, at least I didn't miss it. Helluva time to remember a tentative August airing, huh, in September?. Duh....Thanks for the info.
Just wondering, I've been kinda out of the marble loop lately. When Richard and i went to Amana, we heard from somebody, wish I could remember who, that The Discovery channel show "Dirty Jobs" had filmed an episode about marble-making at the Jabo factory. At the time it was thought the episode would air sometime in August. Did I miss it, or is it still waiting its turn? Or was the whole thing another one of those crazy dreams I sometimes have that are so vivid I confuse them with reality?? Dink
Oh, yeah, it caused us some angst. How much was fair? we didn't want to rip him, but we didn't want to be stupid either. We finally settled on a price with the proviso that if the box turned out to be worth a lot more than we thought, we'd do right with him. The rest of the marbles, tho, were fair game. BTW, we have mint bags for sale if anyone's interested. :happy-857:
Richard and I went to a friend of my aunt's to help him identify the marbles he's been picking up over the years working for the city sewer department, just as a favor to him and my aunt. He didn't want to sell them, just wanted to know what he had. BUT, when we got there, he had with him another fellow's collection, and this other guy was interested in selling out. Here's what we took home that day: But here's the really cool haul. He'd bought these at a general store close-out years and years ago, still in the original shipping carton. the carton was water-damaged, but the 75 bags of Vitros inside were almost all in absolutely mint condition, just a handful had minor water stains on the labels. Most of the bags contain at least a few hybrids, very nice color combinations. Somewhere I've got pics of the marbles from the jars, but I can't locate them at the moment. Several popeyes, a ton of Master Sunbursts -- my current favorite -- Pelt NLR's, clays, slags, a few handmades, a lot of no-value ones of course, but all in all what a fun batch to sort through!! Our best non-auction score, so far anyway Dink.
Ok, here (maybe) are some more: Pelt NLR and Rainbos Peerless patches, a couple Masters, WV swirls A slew of nice commons...Vitros, Masters, etc. 95% of the marbles were mint condition, too....pretty unusual in an auction lot. Now I need to work on sizing down the images LOL.
Sighhh...what happened? The rest will have to wait til tomorrow. Let's see, do I want the bottle of Akros or would the Masters put me out of my misery quicker?? I guess I could just choke on one of the bigger Contemps............