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  1. sssh, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks. The two best practicing guitarist. Watch "Allman Brothers, "Into The Mystic," 12/3/2011" on YouTube Allman Brothers, "Into The Mystic," 12/3/2011:
  2. Veiliglass Swirls Akro, Peltier.......Veiliglas
  3. have you picked a site yet? jus ask'n. if ya could shoot me a gps... the book would have been nice!
  4. I call dibs on all ya'lls marbles when UR dead. please send me a current inventory and dont forget to update as you buy and sell.
  5. it is my belief that the bulk of the collection was sold by Alan. a marble at a time.
  6. I dont think so dave. too many indicators. I do not believe they are antique. hope I'm wrong
  7. I second. am so glad to hear the marbles are okay!
  8. Bob's books are still my first reach. look forward to the coming publications. If you're not interested, nobody cares.
  9. early american and german machined. still the most under appreciated super marbles. always a buy IMO. Super marbles, winnie. Time will judge them, appreciatively.
  10. nice pic. helps put a few in the right slot.
  11. Watch "BIG SMO - Old Dirt Road" on YouTube BIG SMO - Old Dirt Road:
  12. This go here or the hickass southern thread Watch "Big Smo & Alexander King - My Neighbors" on YouTube Big Smo & Alexander King - My Neighbors:
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