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Everything posted by jlmoriarty

  1. I have some Steph but I'm really slow on the photography so be patient. My first ever digital pics are in the "Contemps" thread. They took hours. John
  2. jlmoriarty


    Here are a couple of Raz' (Calvin Sugita) works. I have more and I will post them after I get to some pics. John
  3. Al ~~ Thanks for taking the time to post these. Many of them are new to me so it is very interesting to see them. Other than the obvious, do you have any idea what style was in each one, or was it all interchangeable? John
  4. Al ~~ I've seen very few Master boxes and would love to see some of yours if you ever get a chance. John
  5. Craig ~~ Wild mibs!!!!!!!! I think I read the same thing about these being newer than yours. Just looking at them it appears that they are. I only know what I've read here on the boards as I don't collect these. I saw the pic in an auction catalogue and thought it would be a worhtwhile addition to this thread as it was showing an additional style of "bullet molds". Can't have too much information. John
  6. One that hasn't run yet. Ssshhhhhhhh...... John
  7. I stole this pic so don't tell anybody............
  8. Steph~~ That is the thread that I was referring to. Great bunch of helpful posts and congrats on finding it. Those of you that have posted to this thread should take a moment a read it again. It has some very useful info in it and some great pics. Only one pic was removed. It's just a guess of course but that shooter in the bag looks like a patch not a sunburst. It would be great to see a pic of that alone (or better still in hand) to see how vibrant that red is. I'm curious about that particular MM red and it's comparision to Akro reds. Now I'm on the spot. If Dani says that I have a purple-based MM than I must have it. However when I moved recently the collection went in large plastic tubs and have never been sorted again. I'll try to find it and will promise to post to this thread (or start a new one) as soon as I can. We can't have all this whining now can we?? Thought that rather than not post a pic I would post this piece of MM ephemera from 1933. Not that it has anything to do with the original question, but what the heck......... John
  9. I knew I'd catch grief And Bo, how could I ever leave you out of my list of knowledgeable Masters collectors??? Fiftey lashes and you'd better send me some of those beauties so I don't ever make that mistake again. LOLOL Eliabeth those are sweeeeeeet!! (If you ever need to sell/trade them to put gas in that fancy car please pm me!!!!!) Dani Despite your advanced age and declining mental condition, you know my collection better than I do. LOL Which doesn't say much for me and my robust intellect. (who is this guy anyhow?) I need to spend some serious time going through it. My shoe box collection system is the pits. Roger (SWORD44) is around and I left him a message so maybe we'll hear from him too. Dani How many 1 inchers do I have???? LOLOL John
  10. I would guess that my collecting experience with Masters is a good sampling (and assuming my memory is reasonably intact), then 5/8ths to 11/16ths is probably >99% of the sample. 7/8ths to 1" falls in the remaing one percent or less which is to say pretty unusual. I've only seen the larger sizes in transparent examples. To get a more complete answer you need to hear from Roger (Sword44), Dani and Galen. Now that I think of it there was an earlir thread, if you can find it, where Roger gave a good synopsis of MM colors and sizes. John
  11. Great pics Dan and Dani. Makes it seem like you should be able to tell the difference LOL. John
  12. Galen~~ can you put that in time context? John
  13. He seperated the marbles from the box? What kind of s**t is that?
  14. David's correct in pointing out the fact that he lives in England - that gives him a 2 to 1 advantage because the currency exchange rate differential.
  15. don't forget "nano-nano".
  16. Not as nice as Roger's, but there is one coming up on Ebay for tomorrow. pm me if you can't find it. John
  17. Roger~~ I'm confused, are you saying your pics are dug examples or found in the wild? John
  18. I'm picturing a lot of M/C computer keyboards with drool beginning to run between the keys. John
  19. Roger~~ Who do you suppose was imitating whom? David~~ Thanks
  20. Steve~~ I realize mint examples were dug, but I now have three wet mint ones. Coincidence? John
  21. I have always heard it referred to as "experimental" when it shows up. All the fine thread-y filaments as opposed to what my avatar looks like where the filaments are "sculpted" and the fact that it never made it into widespread production as far as I know. On the other hand it is not a dug example either. Maybe Scott can shed some more light on it. John
  22. A 21/32 mint experimental Akro Sparkler from a terrific seller. I have two other siblings which will make a home for this wandering soul. Sweet! John
  23. Great work Charles, some beautiful mibs and those boxes are fantstic!!! John
  24. Sword44~~ Let me know when you want to sit down and play with our MMs. I would add one thing and that is collecting good examples off the bay requires a hugh amount of patience and determination. Lastly, your post is the definitive word on MM collecting. Thanks John
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