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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. While I was 99.9% sure these were good. After seeing some Bulgarians inhand today I am now 100% sure they are the real deal. They are nothing alike. Different glass and textures all day long. I have sold 4 of these in the past 15 years as well have consigned several through Alan. Just pretty old marbles here.

  2. No accent at all Steph. Not even any "aboots" or "ehs" as you Americans seem to think about Canadians hehe.

    Roundabouts are a real great idea and save tons of time and effort in most cases. When things get busy they are a real pain in the ass though. The ones in London are nuts. I'm in Gloucester and it has a world famous one. Do a search for "Gloucester Rabbit Roundabout" and you can see. There are dozens and dozens of the little buggers.

  3. If you can get used to hot and cold water coming out of different taps you might make it here. You need to decide if you want to freeze your hands or burn them to splash water on your face or rinse your toothbrush. I will say that for one of the cradels of civilization this is one backward assed country. Everything is really expensive as well.

  4. I'm setting up seether71-uk as soon as my NIN ( same as your SIN#) comes in and I can list on the bay. No Corks over here so lots coming in a couple of weeks. Including a very cool and rare green and yellow Wirepull. Only the third one I have seen. I do have lots of nibbled Wirepulls LOL. As well as around 100 lbs or more of Catseyes. Seriously I have thousands of the things. Think I will goof around with them and make some tiles or glue them to my Mums giant concrete garden Mushroom.

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