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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. Some kick ass marbles so far. I don't think it is to much of a streach to think you big red one is Master Patry. Only the size is odd on that one. The rest looks and sounds like Master.

    Is there a name (given or collector) for the real nice earth tone ones like this??? Never seen these in any box or bag.


  2. After looking again I found I had no Red based Masters. How about that! Do others have any? It will help to know to narrow down how hard they are to find. The closest one I have is the one Dustin pointed out. Here you go Dustin. It's sort of an amber/orange colour. Some what dark Apricotish. The back pic pretty much nails it. It struck me as odd thus ending up in the box.


    Al makes a great point about the bags and boxes content. Most I have seen are somewhat dull as well. There was that great box that just went on Ebay. I failed to save a pic. It was full of nice ones and a handful of Tiger Eyes. Can someone add it to the thread? Attached is a pic of a Shooting Star bag I sold a few years back. I included a handful of marbles in the auction, sold the 3 Tiger Eyes one by one and some ended up in my box. Since there was a small tear in the bottom of the bag I did my homework with both the original owner and on Nans board as to what marbles should have been in it. I'm pretty sure it was you Al that confirmed for me it was a Master bag.


  3. Ok I'll admit I don't collect Master Marbles or Master Glass either. I am guilty of hording the ones I think are nicer. Poor suckers get put in a bag and go right into a box. Some have been there for years. Well I finally got around to sorting them. Questions are. What makes a Master marble rare? What colour combos are the hardest to find? I know the first thing you think of is appearance. A pretty marble is a pretty marble no matter how you look at it, so lets not include that in the topic. It's a gimmie.

    I attached a pic of what I think is my best one. The pics can't show the true amount of clear glass this one has. It would be considered a Transparent Based type, just that it is as full of colour as any one I have ever seen. Shows a couple of green shades (blends), yellow, orange, brown all with their own blends and shades, and to top it off there are streaks of transparent blue that show inhand way better than the pics show. All crammed within a clear base. I think it's just groovy. Also attached a pic of some of the other ones I pulled out for some air. Lets see your best one, and tell us why you think it's better than most. Maybe we can get some new info on these totally underrated marbles.



  4. Not to thread-jack or anything, but it must be pointed out that all the marbles in the "Ringer" box have a mossy base. This in my opinion totally shoots down the misconception that Ringer Corks have to have a clear base. This is the second box I have seen where none of the Ringers were clear based. Clear based marbles I feel were just flukes of the production run on any given day. Hence the fact they are harder to find, just like hybrids of any type are.

  5. Chris you big fibber. I called the German Catseyes you sent me ugly. There is nothing ugly about any German Sparkler I have ever seen (except some of the surfaces) Remember those cream of the crops I sold on ebay some time ago. Wish I had pics of them still but they are gone. They all went to the same buyer in Florida (dianagail) I think her name was or Marbdog?. For some reason the name Dave rings a bell as well. Can't remember right now. I have a haul sitting in England right now, around 200 or so that I can't wait to get over there to see. That will have to wait for the summer though. Not like it not like summer up here right now. I as out this afternoon digging worms for my frogs and finding lots. For some reason it is an odd feeling digging and finding worms in Canada in January. Almost scary.


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