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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. Finally got some time to really enjoy these new Jabo Edna was kind enough to send to me. Never expected a whole little box, but here they are. Presented to me and everything. Pretty cool beans I'll say. I had a great time snapping pics of them except for the Aventurine and Ox ones. Those freeking things eat light like night. Still working on a light set-up that will bring the true colour out? The pics of them in the box came out great. Taken outside in the sun, but when I tried on a single marble the pics blew? I keep on it.

    Here are some pics of what I could capture. Thanks a whole bunch Edna. Your Jabo-rific. Marble On!



  2. Keep in mind that Ravenswood made marbles that look a lot like Snotties. If WV Ron were around I would lay odds that he would call Bobs marble a Ravenswood. He had a nice little grouping of them at a show. This Marble was I.D as Ravenswood.


  3. These are only marbles 3, 4 and 5 of this type I have ever come across here. The others were pretty nibbled. These ones came out of the same area as most of the others I have seen go by over the years. It is rather suspicious that so many come from within a 100 or so square km region.

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