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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. Actually out of the handfull I had Alan sold 2 of them over the years and called them Masters. I sold 3 at least as Masters to serious collectors with no problems. All sold for $30-$35 each cuse they had good Aventurine in them. There must have been something that struck Alan as odd about the one he just offered. Pics are not really helpful in his auction to be able to offer any input. So here is a picture of a marble instead.


  2. Everyone needs a Lizard that's for sure. If you aint got one get one. There are lots on Ebay but I already have most of them. Some of the new ones are pretty neat, but I like the older ones. Not sure why this one was listed with a buy-it-now of only $8.00, but it was and I bought it right then. What a score.


  3. That Multi-wrap Blue and Green Akro Auger Spiral Corkscrew is just one of a kind. Mine is pretty sad compaired to that one. Wanna trade??? I also like the one with the lime green glowing (i assume) base with the double wrap of baby blue. Nice!

    Where is your multi colour tornado sprial? Needs to be in this thread as well.

  4. Hey thanks Sissy. That pretty much nails this one down for me. I zapped my paltry Vitro collection with the light and not much glowed for me. A couple of Helmets, and a couple of fancier looking Helmets is all. I'll get some pics of them and start a new thread. Thanks for the info.

    Duuude that looks like quality in both regards lol. Here is another example of the Jokers antics titled "Screwing With Pot".


  5. It would be cool if someone showed a Parrot that glowed. I still think it is a safe guess to think 90's Jabo on my Blue and purple one though. Anyone with ideas on what it might be or is, please chime in. You are right though anything could glow. Brings to mind some NLR's I had where some of the dividing white lines between the coloured ribbons glowed and some did not. Odd little marbles.

    Hey Galen keep those lizards away from squirrels. I had a few of those at one time. Then adopted 3 orphan squirrels. Needless to say they thought the lizards were candy and gnawed the crap out of them. It was too late to save them by the time I saw what was going on, so I let tham have at it. Must be a tasty root they made them out of cuse there was not much left of any of them by the time they were old enough to be released.

    I'll get some pics for you catfish. It's dusting day today so I'll put all the bigger ones in a pile and snap a couple of pics. Have a laugh at these ceramic frogs in the meantime. Found the girl in Virginia when I was 5 years old, found the boy here in Canada last year. Crazy what someone will make for no real reason.


  6. Well I have around 50 Brass or Bronze lizards so, ummm where was I going with this? Oh yeah I have around 50 or so lizar... nope that's not it? Ah screw it....

    I can live with Parrot lizard. Or music Lizard. Whoever musicnmib$ is has a great eye for marbles, and is almost as anal as I am when it comes to the grading and measuring of marbles. As well as a valued customer.

  7. Guess I'm brain farting then? Kinda sucks cuse I took the money from both Parrot sales and promplty bid on this. I used to think of it as the lizard Stepf bought me, but now it will have to be a Parrot lizard. Is musicnmib$ name Steph as well? Geeze pushing 40 and already forgetting stuff. Stupid pot! I keep forgetting to stop smoking that stuff.


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