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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. Well I think you might be in the minority on this on David, but hey everyone is allowed an opinion so have at it. Personally I think they are an important tool for any marble collection. Almost a must have if you ask me, and a good tube one to boot. How else am I to know if my Corks Glow? Yes I like to know. One reason is, for example. Take your common single colour white and yellow Cork. A little harder to find than most colours but not really on the rare side. I have had a couple of dozen at least over the years, and only one of them glowed. So to some it still may be a simple yellow and white Cork. To me it is a little gem that has earned a spot in my "no two the same" collection of near 300 different Corks. I also have Corks that look like they have two colours. Zap them with the light and what was once White becomes two distinct lines where some glows and some does not. Neat little effect that would be missed without a good light. I could go on with more reasons to have a good light, but I don't feel like typing all day.

    The reason I asked if Parrots glowed is because of the blue and purple marble below. It came in the same group as a couple of Parrots including the one below. Both have very similar smeary purple colour. Both have similar construction aside from that nagging loop in the p/b one. Both the same size. Problem is that I sold the Parrots and can't remember if they glowed. On this purple and blue one the Purple glows like mad. Knowing that Nobody has a Parrot that glows helps me strike it from my list of what it could bes. I knew the chances were low, but now I know. Leading me to think that it is now a mid 90's Jabo. I did some hunting but could not find this colour combo. I don't know much about more recent marbles. But from what I understand some of the 90's Jabos glowed? Now if If someone would poopoo my 1% chance/hope it is an Alley I'll know for sure.

    Thanks for taking the time to zap your birds for me Gents. Ain't learning fun.



  2. As a general accepted rule, most Akro with Oxblood stop at 3/4" or a hair larger. This includes the Silver Oxes, Blue Oxes, Eggyolk, Lemonade Oxes ect ect... There are larger Akro oxes than 3/4" but they show up as 2 seam patch types (look on ebay at a reputable seller I sold my 3 so no pics sorry). These 2 seam ones can reach 1". I'm sure someone has some pics of them for you.

    There are some Akro Oxblood fakes out there that are big, but as far as I know they are in a honest persons collection and would never be offered as old.

  3. Thanks for the info. I grew up with antique glass everything so I notice all the little nuances between old and newer glass. Pictures are never ever a true representation of the actual product. Having them inhand to compair is. I'm assuming from your answer that they are pretty damn close to older Akro in most regards?

  4. Skipping all the B.S I have a question. Galen since you have that handfull there in front of you, do the Jabo's have any tiny dimples like most (not all) Akro Oxes do? I was eyeballing the Cork thingie that Dani won, but never pulled the trigger. It looked to clean to me. No ripples or dimples in the glass and what not. Plus There were no little hooks on the ends of either pole (I know not always a sure sign, but a helpful one) that I could see. So I guess what I'm asking is, do the new Jabos have any of the old traits? Or are they for lack of better terms cleaner and freasher looking? Just wondering!

  5. What is sad is that she has made $850.00 or so (quick mental math) in the last 2 weeks flogging this crap. All the seller is guilty of really is being lazy. How can she control nut jobs bidding silly money on what she is just cranking out? There are flash in the pants sellers like this from time to time on the bay. Eventually it will peter off and she will end up selling "assorted vintage marbles group #1" ect ect.. like a number of other picker sellers on ebay.

  6. Hey Craig. PM me if you want to trade for one of those B/R Popeyes. 300+ different corks and I still don't have one of those??. I'm drooling over that big Blue brute as well. WoW! I have a double ribbon one like it but it's just under 7/8"

    What a wicked score!

  7. I do have a handful that have a wack more white in them. Trying to get the fire to show up in them is a bit tough. I seek out the real transluscent ghostly ones cuse I like them. Plus they are a little harder to find. Not sure if they count as "Aces" but hey why not.

    P.S My third example is a dug marble from the site. Akro named that one a "Landfill Cork"

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