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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. They must like me because I got it twice.


    Hope you get this on time. I made a trip early this week to London, UK and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and credit cards in it. The embassy is willing to help by letting me fly without my passport, I just have to pay for a ticket and settle Hotel bills. Unfortunately for me, I can't have access to funds without my credit card, I've made contact with my bank but they need more time to come up with a new one. I was thinking of asking you to lend me some quick funds that I can give back as soon as I get in. I really need to be on the next available flight. I can forward you details on how you can get the funds to me. You can reach me via email or May field hotel's desk phone, the numbers are, +447xxxx4166 or +44703xxxx167 I await your response Charles


  2. Couple of questions. First: Is the base glass amber? Second: If the base glass is amber, could the little sparkles be oven brick that look gold because the base is amber? Just wondering? Your inhand call trumps any pics you post. Pics never tell the whole story, we all know that.

    My 2 cents either way is it looks Euro to me.

  3. Finally some time to play with marbles.

    Ok so! Is the general cocencus then that a Choc Ox is: Opaque brownish, with Oxblood? Yes? No? Are there any other opinions to toss into the pot? The most popular type I have seen the name applied to are the ones that look like Blue Bloods but are edged with a brownish colour rather than blue. Don't have one so sorry no pics. It also seems that sellers like to apply the name to any Oxblood marble that has some sort of brown colour on it. All Ebay hype I have to assume now I guess.

    Anyone have a pic of an opaque brown with an Ox cork? Not sure I have any drool left over after staring at marbomans hall of famer, but I'm sure I could muster some up. Did you buy that one as a Choc Ox, or was it just a score?

    Thanks for all the info so far.

  4. Wow if you look at the numbers I really don't post that much. And what's with that 05 joining date? I have been here since this was Alans site? I am a little Akrosnobbish when it comes to when I post.

    But since you invited me to come out and play. I'll salute your mibs. That is one pretty cool Vitro Conqueror. About as full as one can get, and with some coloured stands to boot. Don't know diddly about rocks so no idea what that is? Neat though.


  5. I see 3 Vacor from here as well. Check the sellers other and finished auctions too see how many Vacors were spread into other lots they offered. If they offered any in the last little while then it will help narrow down a bit what you might have.

    Some scammer sellers will position them in ways that make them look like something else due to colour. Then claim ignorance to it all. Funny how they can list lots of marbles week after week and never learn a single thing about them? There should be a public list of scam sellers like this.

  6. Thanks all for the advice, info and offers. I really feel it need to stay green though. So that's what I will try for, for now. Keep that yellow one though Dan cuse I might contact you later about it if the hunting sucks lol.

    Another thought would be to take 12 and 12 and have a good start on 2 seperate boards and fill them with anything 1" to fill them out. It would mean I would have to get a whole lot more marbles though. I don't follow handmade prices much so not sure what 1" standard looking handmades go for?

    Nah! gonna make it all green again if I can. At least all Micas. Just seems like the right thing to do for it.

    My Dad is getting home today from the north of England show where he found it. This whole plan could fall apart if my Mum likes it.

  7. Cost containment depends on what a set like this is likley to bring if complete?? Right now I have $600.00 into it. If it costs me $100.00 each for the replacements, not caring how long it took to find them. I would have $1500.00 in it when done. If it's worth $2000.00 then it might be fun to try to track them down. If it's only worth $1000.00 complete then it just would not be worth it.

    In truth I really would like to see it full again. It's a nice set. Just hoping that my sentiment is not kicking my pocketbook in the ass.

    There is a 1 1/4" green Mica on the bay right now with a B.I.N of $175.00

  8. So your thinking that they are on the harder to find scale, and would sell for a bit more $$$ each than I'm thinking? I just dug through ebay and there were no Micas past or active that were 1" Guess it's good they are green since they seem to be most common. So the chances of one showing up here and there are better. But hat could take some time.

    Paying for em aint the problem. It boils down to if it will be worth it in the long run?

  9. I would like to use same size vintage green Micas to fill it out. However is it worth it to do so? The last green 1" Mica I sold went for $82.00 and it was not even that super loaded. So if I would need 7 to finish off the set, plus 2 to replace a couple that have damage. That makes 9 x say $60.00 to $80.00 = ????$ . Even at $50.00 each that's still $450.00 min to round it out. Add that to original price and it's getting up there. What would a set like this expect to fetch if it were full?

    Second option is to break it up and sell over time at 24 x ??? = one nice profit. Another way to go.

  10. Would it be worth hunting down the missing marbles from this group to sell as a full set? If they were 13/16"ish I would sure make an attempt to do so since they seem to go for reasonable prices. These are around 1" though, and if I remember correctly a much much harder size to find. Am I right or just brain farting again? Thanks for any info.


  11. Well my pics of my examples sucked. Blew a bulb and can't seem to get them to come out right with just one. Looking at what I wanted to take pic of and compairing them to what is up already I would have to say that they are the same as examples shown. My third candidate I ruled out since when i got it in the bright sun it has a greenish hue in the white, I don't think bones are green so it's out.

    So that leaves us with 3 candidates. Andreas examples that follow the trans red base with glowing white/creamy ribbon. Mike and Dans examples look pretty close to me and follow the creamy glowing base with deep red. Finally there is Marbos example that has the red and white and glow aspects. So where does that leave us? Anyone remember who named them at the time?

    Dernie the one you just sold is one kick-ass marble. If I was paying attention to the bay right now I would have been all over that one. Sure fits the bill of an Onyx with a glowing ribbon. Is it a Blood and Bones though? Can't beleive you've never heard of one. I think the name has been around for close to 10 years now.

  12. Hmmmm. Well those are two totally different examples haha. That's ok because those are two of the candidates I had in mind as well. I also have another one that might work? I'll get some pics. So far we are thumbs up on them needing to glow.

    Any more thoughts or candidates out there? I zapped my Red Onyx types and found none that glowed.

  13. Hmmm maybe I am remembering wrong? I was thinking of the one bubble that can be seen in the top two pics of the set I posted. The one that is under the red ribbon. Is the glass that bubble is in transparent? If so would that not be the base? I also remember being able to see under most of the red ribbons where there was space before the deeper set light blue?

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