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Posts posted by orbboy

  1. Back among the civilized. Only a couple of days here in Canada before heading to the U.K. Gonna be lots of sweet pickings since the Marble Sniffer (aka my Mum) has a couple of years of sniffings to look through. We all know how well she has done in the past. Here is a spattering


  2. Bert is his cousin so I guess he won't mind the name drop lol. I would have to assume he was a policed member? Man I wish my example was as big as those other ones.

    Off Topic

    In my first post the word "auction" on my computer is showing as a link with a little banner to some selling site. Is this showing on everyones? I have added no links to this thread other than pics? Maybe this computer has picked up a little cookie while I was away?

  3. Wow this guy is starting to amuse me. Here is his reply to my polite invitation to discuss this marble here in an open forum. Remember though that he knows everybody.

    Dear seether71,

    Bobs , Bert and my opinion of the marble connection board is not what you might think .. pay attention here and learn something ..it is a bunch of whiners spouting off when they have nothing better to do ...you will not find any intelligence in there , so don't bother looking .. we may scan it once a month to see if any educated individuals may be elected to converse with us ...but so far have only found stupidity ... I guess that would now include you also if you continue this . You need to go back to school and this time pay attention and you might actually learn something .. You are lacking in knowledge and need to further your education ...and stop your lying . No one likes a liar so stop it . You are lying on the marble and committing fraud !



    Yep a nutter! I'm crushed

  4. I might have to add him to my blocked bidders list. He seems like too much of a hassle to deal with to me. I did send him a nice return email inviting him to ask his whos who of marbles posse to come here and have a look at it. A couple are actually regular readers so they won't have to look far.

  5. Selling as a Naked Single Ribbon Core? Being told by a namedropping Ebay troll that it is not? And that it is polished down or a contemp? Granted my auction pics do not show the well constructed pontil on the bottom. I took another one that does show it here (last pic) and even that was real hard to capture since it is so clean. Am I missing something? Please help fill in my education if I am wrong.






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