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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. Hi Edna, Is the entire box buttermilks, or just the one marble? Seems like the mibs in the box are different shades of white or cream color... TY
  2. This photo was taken by Marblealan, but this is my "Popeye" my favorite... Alan and I have done a good bit of business together...
  3. Hello Bob & Bill, I have just spent the last 90 minutes on the Badger Marble Club's web site... Pretty much covered everything there... Seems very interresting... I don't think I can make the next meeting, but I will make it up to Madison in October... It will probably only be for 1 day though... I will be retiring at the end of this November, then I will have all the time in the world... Until then I have to be available 24/7 with a 1 hour call out notice... Thank you guys for the info... "Gene"
  4. Thank-You David... I just might do that... Madison is only about 2 hours away... I have never been to one of these marble shows, and no idea what to expect... I would feel like the new kid in the class room...
  5. I am in Northeastern Illinois, almost on the Wisconsin/Illinois state line less then 1 mile away from Lake Michigan... I would have to say Akro's are my soft spot. I have to do a little testing on posting photo's then I will post some pic's...
  6. Hello All, My name is "Gene" aka: the_antique_genie... I just registered today so that makes me the "Newbie" of the site... I hope to be a positive contributer to the site... I am a 61 year young w/male with a love for marbles... Please take it easy on me for the first few days, at least until I get the feel of how thing work here at the "Marble Connection"... Have a good day all...
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