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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. Hi Sue, Soon as I receive them, I will take some better photo's and maybe we can figure out what they are... Secondly, what do you think about a Dry Cleaner trying to clean up the bag...
  2. Rooster's, hen's, poulets... Why hasn't anyone asked what came first??? The chicken or the egg???
  3. Ok, you all have talked me out of it... The cost was in the 75.00 range with shipping... Thank-You...
  4. Not so much interested in the marbles, but what about the solitary board???
  5. I am contemplating buying this board and marbles... Can anyone give me a ball park figure as to it's value???
  6. WOW!!! I just found this thread, what a surprise... It just goes along with my recent retirement... Thank-You all very much...
  7. I knew what you meant Marie... This will help you out, a quote from Wikipedia... "A rooster, also called a cock or chanticleer, is a male chicken (Gallus gallus) with the female being called a hen". "Gene"
  8. Really nice report Joe... Thank-You...
  9. In my understanding of Oxblood, it was supposed to be on the surface, like a quick last spin... Unless it was a a solid OB Brick... Any transparency would be Onyx or a blend of... IMHO I would say nay to oxblood...
  10. Hi David, Very good thought there... I think several moderators are needed in just the marbles catigory...
  11. Awesome pictures Alan... Thank God for "John Deere"... Looks like you got a beauty there...
  12. Hi Carole, I will post some photo's soon as I get the mibs.
  13. I would say we ended up with 15 to 16 inches, maybe a little more... Being so close to Lake Michigan we get the lake affect snow that the outlying areas never see...
  14. Hi Lou, Thanks for every thing "Gang" .......................
  15. How about Waylon, Willie and the Boys... I have boxes full of their and other old country albums...
  16. Dennis Richardson. A big Thank-You also... I'm sorry I missed you too... One to many Saigon Tea's on this end,,,
  17. This is for Zaboo & Gangly and anyone else that is interested in my aka; "Tadpole"... I don't remember the gals name that I bought it from, but she described the marble as being an "Akro Egg Yolk Tadpole" that's all it took for me grab it up... I have never heard of a Tadpole prior to this, but new I wanted it what ever it was... These two photos are from the seller, I did not take them, but I do have the mib... The mib measures 3/4" Dia. mint+ cond... White lightly translucent base with yellow and a black Tadpole... The Tadpoles body is covering what I think is a pontil... A slight indent as made in the mib... Wire pull possibly??? At a real loss here "Gang" help me out...
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