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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. Marbles that you made or mended??? What are they to be called??? I have the sulfide photos ready...
  2. Hey Mike, I'd have to agree with you on that...
  3. This character uncmike is a total rip off (beat up marbles, descriptions far from true)... He doesn't have time to answer any questions... It's his bitch mama that speaks for him... umcmike is busy with school... I have had 2 bad dealings with these two... Top end dealings too... Mike says nothing... Mama bitch is worse then the wicked witch of the north... Take your chances with these two!!!
  4. Hope this helps... Straight from Marblealan's Site... VICTORIES AND CONQUERORS A Victory is a brushed patch marble that has an opaque color patch on a transparent clear base. This patch covers about one quarter of the marble and, like many Vitro marbles, the patch is usually shaped like an oval with a small "v" or "hook" coming off one end. A Conqueror is basically the same type of marble, but on this variety the remaining three-quarters of the marble not covered by the patch contains brushed opaque white. One variation of the Conqueror is the "phantom conqueror," which has translucent white filaments inside the marble. The glass may be opalescent on this latter type. Finally, another variation of the Conqueror, which as yet has not been named but could be labeled the "veteran conqueror," has a dull patch as opposed to bright and brushed off-white as opposed to white. On these, the patch seems to often be shaped like a large "V." Victories and conquerors were distributed, as their names might imply, around the period of World War II.
  5. My link I don't think so... To small and not enough colors... What's your opinion??? .
  6. Nice photo's Ric... Superb art work...
  7. The guy I got these from refered to them as Victorian Era... Like I said, I know nothing about them... Here is what Webster defines Victorian as... Date: 1839 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of the reign of Queen Victoria of England or the art, letters, or tastes of her time
  8. The guy I got these from in England is Peter Donovan... Told me about 7 working days for delivery... Soon as I get them, I will take some close-ups of the mibs and post them on this thread...
  9. Ya, it was 290 and another 20 for shipping and insurance... I wasn't so impressed with the marbles because I know nothing about them... It was the board I really wanted... Now I have 2, one with and one without the legs...
  10. 22 views and not one frickin responce... That is pathetic... Why???
  11. Hello Gang, I snatched this up on eBay yesterday... Don't know what to call any of those marbles... We can identify them after I receive the package... Seems like a nice board too, it has three legs on the bottom that you can't see... The board and mibs are coming from Nottinghamshire, England so I won't have them in hand for a week or more... "Gene"
  12. I have used muriatic acid many times, it's major use is for cleaning pools, ceramic tile and glass... It will eat-up metal in a heart beat, you have to be careful with it... We have a well here, no city water... The well water has a lot of iron, so our toilet, tub and shower and the sinks get rusty fast... I have been using the muriatic acid for cleaning straight and diluted for nearly the 40 I lived here... It has never hurt a (glass) marble so far... Flush well with water... Do not use a sponge, the acid eats it... I use a 100% cotton cloth... The acid doesn't affect the cotton... Be careful if you do use it, and wear some kind of glasses... Practice/test on a nasty marble first... I would advise using rubber gloves... I don't use any gloves, the acid burns if it gets in a cut or scrape...
  13. Sounds like the "Gold Coast" area, party time... I had a girfriend in the 60's that lived at Wells and Eugene "Old Town"... Remember the old Piper's Alley with the pizza joint at the end of it... Some really good pan pizzas... I'm a little farther north, Waukegan...
  14. I'm not a hockey fan, but you gotta hand it to these guy's for a job well done... Today is the Blackhawk's Rally in Chicago... Unbelieveable... So much confetti you could hardly see the players... Today's parade has the largest turnout of spectators I have seen in my 50 years in this area... Well, I can't watch my Soap's so I will go back to the rally, think the players are getting ready to talk...
  15. I would like to pay tribute to all World War II Veterans on this day June 6... It was June 6 1944 the US invaded the shores of France... It was also the day that thousands so courageously gave their lives... I salute you all WWII Vets, and may "The Lord" be with you...
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