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Everything posted by Kingfisher

  1. Here are a few pic's of my favorite... Really like the color combo...
  2. marboman... I can't get over you... When I came home it was just the opposite... I was treated with respect... I said in my post that I was in the cavalry... That is tanks and armored assault vehicles... Where would you expect us to put a POW??? Inside the tank, or maybe behind or in front of one of the 3 or 4 machine guns... Sorry just no room for passengers... We almost always had the infantry backing us up... That means the armor went in first and did the heavy damage, softening the way for the infantry... It was the infantry that took the POW's not us... I am going to post a couple photos... The entrance to one of or fire bases... One of our guidons Lastly our Standing Order from Col. Patton... This order was on the main hatch to every piece of armor we had... That order reads... "FOR TROOPERS OF THE 11TH US CAVALRY FIND THE BASTARDS THEN PILE ON" I did what was expected of me to do, I didn't cry about it like many others do... There was another standing order over there... We couldn't open fire until we were fired upon and if anyone is stupid enough to fire upon an armor column well what can I say...
  3. Damn, I think I caught whatever your spreading around... OMG I've got a "Spotted Dick"...
  4. Here are a few... The Pee-Wee is a Liberty between 3/8 and 7/16, my first collectible mib...
  5. They both look like high end "Parrots" to me...
  6. Hello Gang... This is a tribute to my son Eric... He spent his first tour one year in combat in Afghanistan with the 101st. Air Assult... 2nd, 3rd, & 4th tours in Iraq with the 4th Infantry... Now he is going back to Afghanistan in September... He is a Sgt, with an 11 Bravo MOS... Team Leader on a Bradly Fighting Vehicle... O-Lord yes do I worry... God Bless all vets!!! PS... I spent 37 months in Vietnam... 18 months with the Big Red One (1st Inf. Div.) and 7 months with the 11th Armored Cavalry, and the rest of the time with the 10th Cavalry in the Central Highlands... 11 Delta (Armored Recon Scout)... I loved it....... Kick Ass and take no POW'S... Colonel George Patton (son of General George Patton)was our Squadron Commander with the 11th Cavalry "BlackHorse"...
  7. I think I got an all Oxblood Brick or Cornelian from Marblealan... 7/8 or 1" would have to hunt...
  8. Good Morning Gang... Does anyone have a copy of Roger and Claudia Hardy's "The Complete Run of the Akro Agate Co."...
  9. I do know there are only 3 of these in existance... And I know the person who dug them in the dark at Clarksburg...
  10. Who can tell me what my avatar is??? I know who made it, but what might it be called???
  11. Is there such a thing as an "Ox Blood & Egg Yolk Popeye" think I just found one didn't know I even had...
  12. Good Morning Gang,,, Steph, this thread has turned out to be one of the most informative threads I've read so far... I'm glad you started it... I've gotten all my questions about the "Parakeet's" answered now, and I do notice there are more then a couple of people who have changed their opinions about it too... Far as I am concerned the "Parrots" are 3/4 to 1" diameters and the "Parakeets" will be 9/16 to 11/16" diameter... All I would like to see now is a "Parakeet" patch... Is there one posted that I missed??? "Gene"
  13. Very nice Edna... What is the style of the marble??? Meaning it's not a patch, what is it???
  14. Thank-You Edna you've been the biggest help so far... And the white on that marble is not a whispy white more at opaque...
  15. Got it!!! It's understandable now... Do you have any in the 9/16, 5/8 range???
  16. What it is all about to me is seeing a "Parakeet"... Why is it no one has posted a photo of a "Parakeet"??? We know they exist!!! Where are they???
  17. I sent these photos to "Marblealan" yesterday... Told Alan I purchased this mib as being a "Vitro Pink Elite Parakeet"... He said he had never heard that description before... However the style of marble he has seen before but was unable to put a name to them such as (Tiger Eye, Conquerer, Helmet, etc)... Alan could not confirm what kind of Vitro it is... Hmmmm
  18. Here are 5 recently aquired "Parrots"... So recent I haven't even gotten them yet... They should be in my mail today... I have three more "Parrots" in my stash, 2 of which I found yesterday, and 1 is still playing hide-n-seek with me... All 8 of the "Parrots" are 1" Dia. the 5 in the photo all have some of the white base showing... The 2 I located yesterday have NO white base showing...
  19. Steph, would you please repost the quotes from Ron Shepherd & Blaine Lemon??? Seems to be the only factual thing we have to go on...
  20. Good Morning Gang,,, A new day and a new attitude... Steph, I apologize for raising hell yesterday and for anything I said to offend you... Just that all my buttons were being pushed in a sequence to set me off... Now let's see if this thread works out a little better... This is the mib that started the quagmire... Slightly under 5/8" Dia. I purchased this mib for $37.00 identified as a "Vitro Pink Elite Parakeet"... The guy I got it from is a reputable dealer and a member of this board...
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