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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. alley's. I'm thinking those are ...?????????????? pretty dang cool!
  2. LOVE the sunbursts too! for the life of me i cannot find my master folder. agh! puter probably ate the dang thing! oh well, anyway. lets roll with sparklers then.lol
  3. hi andrea! peltier swirl construction, clear(tinted green) base with the white and aventurine ribbons. clyde has had it in hand at vegas.. it' doesn't travel much.lol it likes to stay home a lot. :-)
  4. and this one... Peltier silver surfer...
  5. hi! it was all a consignment. and almost all gone now too. sorry. I'm not sure I could just pick 'favorites' but here's a few I like a lot!
  6. lol. I have sold about 95% of it, during the summer. i am not really listing right now, just helping my daughter list mostly. HOWEVER, if anyone has a want list, or need a Christmas present, I do lots of things privately,, just give me a yell, maybe i can help. :-) Rylee, I can't begin to tell you how much work that was. it was truly a labor of love. but it was fun too!
  7. hi Rylee! what kind are your fav's? ~Dani
  8. HiRo! Love the new line! your stratocaster murinni has always been one of my favorites. Can't wait to see them 'in hand'. We need to get together soon! call me! Ernie
  9. Hubby's been adding some to one of his boxes lately..
  10. YVW. Yes please post! this is only mine for a little while.lol will be someone elses when bidding closes. :-)
  11. hi Hansel, We had asked smitty on makers marks etc, but didn't get an answer before we left to Vegas. We did print out pictures and showed them around. No one including Brian Estepp, Lee Linne or Jack Labbee(big time advert. collector) had ever seen or heard of them either. General consensus was they were suspect.
  12. never seen a peltier banana with any bands. interesting...
  13. it was a Blast! and had so much fun hangin with Windy again too! picked up some Killer marbles, saw old friends, and laughed A LOT!
  14. we have a little something special for ya rich! see ya soon!
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