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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Let me just say you have nothing to fear! Infact being a new collector will be to your advantage in more ways than you realize. The people in the hobby are some of the nicest and helpful I have met. I was not new my first show and it was still overwhelming being a first timer. Oh and yes, you pretty much do just walk in and say hi! The doors are left open. Tell those you meet that you are new, many will help you ID and give info freely, others may even hand you marbles as a getting started gift, don't hold me to the last one but it happens! Just go and say hi the rest will take care of itself. Besides you and your marbles bring what cash you can, there will be some deals and marbles you will wish you had it for if you do not bring it. Have fun! Steph is right on, bring a light. Small and intense light is best.
  2. Welcome Stacy! Your pic kinda made me laugh.....the first time I was ever at Dani and Ernies (Zaboo} house their picnic table looked the same way, but then so did the other tables! lol Anyways cant agree more with whats been said!! Enjoy the sickness!
  3. Well, with the hole running all the way from one end to the other I suppose it could be a bead as well. The shiny metallic, is it in one color or the other and does it sparkle back and forth if you move the light. Use a very bright light and look close.
  4. Thanks for confiming my sanity, I was pretty sure I was looking at one marble. As for those others you just posted. They are German handmades. I am not thinking yours is. I do think the hatpin idea is a possability. The trade beads you speak of....look for a necklace made of them. They can be pretty fantastic, however do not come cheap.
  5. Wow that is amazing that two marbles that are so wild in pattern can have the same exact pattern. lol Look at the red blotches in pic 3 and pic six. They match perfectly. =} As for the other two marbles in pic 5, it is a bit dark and fuzzy but if I had to guess....I would be reaching but would say, first could be a pelt rainbow and second vitro. However......=]
  6. Is that info from the poster David? Looks to me #1,2,3,4,6 and 7 are all the same marble and in pic 5 there is the same marble and two others. Am I missing something? I do like the hatpin idea especially after the few that were posted.
  7. You guys all have some fantastic swirlage goin on! Here is a few from me.
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