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Everything posted by SplattmanSS

  1. Kevin, the blue/yellow is positive for Kokomo....The first one is a candidate, but without that marble in a sealed bag with Kokomo header it is always a guess. Kokomo examples are always up for debate amongst collectors once outside of there bags.... S~
  2. I thought the narrative description was evasive and insulting... http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-ANTIQUE-OLD-STYLE-TOY-BENNINGTON-CLAY-MARBLES_W0QQitemZ250483232133QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=%257B%2522Page%2522%253A%2522%252FMarbles-%252F771%252Fi.html%253F_trkparms%253D65%2525253A1%2525257C66%2525253A2%2525257C39%2525253A3%2526_nkw%253Dmarbles%2526_catref%253D1%2526_dmd%253D3%2526_dmpt%253DMarbles%2526_ipg%253D70%2526_trksid%253Dp3286.c0.m14%2526_vc%253D1%2526_pgn%253D4%2522%257D&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 S~
  3. This is obviously a common Akro patch-type marble with common colors, but what would have caused the melted looking pits and pop marks? My best guess is that it must have been in a fire? Opinions please.......thanks S~
  4. Sure are. Ocassionally they'll appear on Ebay advertised as Peltier "Superman" marbles...But the Vacor's are called "Serpents" S~
  5. Yuppers, right there in THE Kokomo Op shop!! S~
  6. These measure a full 2"............not a bad size for Mexican-made mibs.... Anybody got some big-un's like these? S~
  7. I went visiting yesterday and picked up some things I didn't think would be there They were cheap enough, so I put a set together.... What NOT to buy on Ebay when advertised as a "Rare, one-of-a-kind, yard sale, estate sale-find, grandma's attic-for-half-a-century, etc...Blah,Blah" They are prety kewl though S~
  8. Red, White & Blue is my favorite color..... Happy Independence Day everyone.....Please pray for and support our Troops!! S~
  9. Here's a couple of Pelt's I worked on.... But, the best results come from Handmades in my opinion..... S~
  10. :Emoticon-jawdrop: Ummmmm.......... Starting bid..........$62.00 :icon_lmao: S~
  11. Great thread.....I love Charles Gibson's marbles and have several in my collection as well....The spiral in the pole (2nd pic) is a tell tale indication to me.... Thank you Edna for teaching me some things I didn't know.... Here's a group pic with mostly Gibson Marbles: and another single shot of another: and these are all Gibson's: S~
  12. MM Your Blackies are most excellant, I don't have that many... And what can be said about your Pelt box??? Ummmm, WOW!! S~
  13. I actually thought it was just a kewl idea..... 4. characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect: a visceral reaction. 5. characterized by or dealing with coarse or base emotions; earthy; crude: a visceral literary style. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S~
  14. Did someone say SUPERMAN?......... :Emoticon-jawdrop: S~
  15. I put some marbles in a box......and I just couldn't stop! :Happy_143: We all have some marbles we put in similar boxes for display, so let's see 'em........ MARBLE ON !!!!!!! S~
  16. A recent acquisition with a large hunk-O-junk in it..........I'm calling it my Slag Sulphide,lol S~
  17. Great subject !! Here's a couple of JABO's with some heavy-duty Junk... S~
  18. Fantastic work.....Do you take custom orders? S~
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