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Everything posted by SplattmanSS

  1. I've got an MK with a "Pigtail"..I was wondering what that was all about... really had to light this one up for a pic...The base color is deep and dark Steve
  2. I don't think all these are Champions, but I like 'em... Steve
  3. Picked this box up at the show............. Is the box old or new? and do you think the marbles shown belong with this box?? Thanx..................Steve
  4. As Ken said...Good turn-out with alot of Quality marbles......... A few pics, with more to come...... From the collection of Chuck and Diane... Dan Grocki talking with a couple of local Contemporary Artists... A few my wife and daughter picked up on... More pictures from todays show posting tonight..... Steve
  5. White slag??...........Say it isn't so Steve
  6. Thanx for all the info all....I appreciate it Steve
  7. Mike...There is a "worn" area on each. The pic shows what I think you're trying to describe. They all measure the same in a template. The thing that got me thinking they may be "mold" is the grainy looking texture of the glass. It looks like a wood grain, but not orange peel, if that makes sense? and then that line that completely circles the marble. Galen, would the odd looking worn area in the pic be what you're describing? It looks like it was was ground down in some way. Thanx..................Steve
  8. I had 3 of these in with my "clearies" and Just thought they fit the "mold" Thanx...............Steve
  9. certainly is master, but the base glass color is really kewl.........I don't have any that have red base.............nice mib Steve
  10. I already voted, but wanna revise..............The center and upper right Thats my vote and I'm sticking to it, unless I change my mind......... What are the sizes??????? Steve
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