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Everything posted by jskirk

  1. Bored again and posting a few pics, found this one looking through a box of misc. marbles. I like the muddy patch
  2. Iguess I am a color blind control electrician, or I dont know colors......Anyway I havent seen to many of them either.
  3. There are 3 in this group with green/lavender/blue colors, is this a common combo of colors. I also think there is one pastel in this group, do you agree?
  4. why does this really matter anyway, expressed opinions are part of the freedom of speech, If a physical threat was made that would be different. I dont think any of you would last out on a large construction site, talk about verbal abuse and animosity, especially when it comes to layoff time. I always thought that collecting,buying selling marbles has been fun, and the boards, when they were Nans, and Alans were a definite addition, but now the boards are about trying to not hurt feelings, like in first grade. I used to love it when Brian Grahm posted, he always had very informative posts, but he dosnt post any more because I guess he rubs people wrong waaaaaaa,
  5. I think all the boards suck these days, its a chat board about mrbles and I never see any marbles being posted anymore, heck the only good things on the boards are the arguments and verbal spats that arise and these are all being taken away. Why does anybody really care?
  6. I wonder how many of these are out there, and if they will start sufacing for sale, I am considering selling mine
  7. That was a great thread Alan, very informative with very good pictures, Thanks for the effort. Jay
  8. I think this is a kokomo, although it has some fractures......... jay
  9. I had one of those, I thought it was a Vitro Whitie?
  10. jskirk

    Orange Latt.

    Are orange latts hard to find, This one is 1". What do you think this one might be worth, does the latt being pulled to the side affect the value.
  11. Those are nice, I am looking hard to see if I haveany like them. I useed to before I sold them.
  12. Carole, your pics are great, how can you wear out your welcome with pics of marbles on a marble board? I am trying to post some again hoping to get some input on them. I believe no matter how many times a marble or type of marbles is shown talked or asked about, there is always somone out there who will learn fron the input or info. Jay
  13. jskirk

    Red Slags

    Hows this Dog.......Jay
  14. These are my favorite type of Marbles, I think very undervalued. Are these considered National Line? Other than the 2 liberty's. I would like to see some of yours. Thanks Jay
  15. jskirk

    Red Slags

    Here are 2 of my newwest slag additions, and probably two of my fav slags
  16. jskirk

    Red Slags

    Brian that egg is NICE.
  17. Here are my Shamrocks, I really like these marbles, and have always wanted to get some more............Jay
  18. I Have said a prayer for Guy and his Family, I am really angry at myself now for never getting to a show to meet him in person..........Jay
  19. jskirk

    A few pelts

    Here are few nices I added recently.nothing special , just nice uns..................Jay
  20. I can count at least 8 different colors is this a common type of cork or are they HTF...................Jay
  21. Thanks Al for reposting that pic, I didnt get to see it in your prevoius posting. Those are nice! ...........Jay
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