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About dnauth

  • Birthday 02/05/1966

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    Marbles, License Plate collecting

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  1. Magic eraser cleaning pads. DAN
  2. Thought this would be a good place to add my find at the flea market today. Not quite the caliber of Craig's find but still cool Alox shoelace poster. DAN
  3. Nice, you have set the bar higher for marble show t's. DAN
  4. I bought 2 of these bags from Al in KC because they had ravenswood marbles in them and one Paul Bunyon. I will have to check for the patches. DAN
  5. Thanks Bernie for posting them in the gallery. I think if you figure out how to size them and post them here in a thread the will live on in the archives forever. DAN
  6. Nice marbles! I think it would reach more eyes here in the thread itself. The gallery is a little cumbersome to flip thru pics...for me anyway. Bernie, would you consider posting them in this thread? DAN
  7. Ok I see it now but the picture is deceiving on how big it is. The box that sold is rather small for a top and bottom box. Hansel, any other info would be greatly appreciated. DAN
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/191043622902?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Check out this Master Box. I bid quite high on this small box and still didnt win it. I have never seen this in any book before and would love to hear more about it. DAN
  9. Do you really know what Midwest cold Is Randy? DAN
  10. Wow Galen that is not an Alley spruce but an Alley Forrest if I may suggest a name for that beautiful large marble int he middle. DAN
  11. Looking a little more dangerous as time ones on. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?zoneid=OHZ032 6 to 12 in on wed and windy and very cold after. Cali folks better pack their sweaters. DAN
  12. Interesting advert Steph. Look at bottom pg 1. Big value marble assortment box. I thought this was a pelt box???? What's up with that? DAN
  13. I will be there early maybe even thurs pm. Got my table booked and ready to buy many WV swirls! DAN
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