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  1. Have you considered Velliglass (sp) for the last one? The lumpy pigment in the green makes me wonder.
  2. Post pics if you do epoxy... it was something I'd considered for some of my more common marbles but it was too "permanent" for me. Some of the old timers might remember pics of those concrete flower pots somebody made decades ago...
  3. Yes. All 3 Pelt rainbos
  4. Agreed on non-USA and almost looks like a double ingot.
  5. Not what I was expecting when I read the thread title, but super cool. I like the idea of clay encased in glass and need to find one now. Props to you and thanks for sharing your story
  6. Looks like a nice group of quality eye candy
  7. Pretty sure not Akro. IF vintage I'd go with Alley.
  8. Interesting. First thought was Alley, reinforced by the size...which led me to Jabo...more pics would help. Outside chance of slag with more than average white. Can't tell from pics
  9. Not CAC, I'd be inclined to say Ravenswood.
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