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Everything posted by stacyw

  1. 12 degrees and awaiting yet another significant snowstorm tomorrow night...is there an emoticon that those of us in the Northeast can send to Galen?
  2. Gotta love the Uncle Wiggly tales.
  3. I wonder if sitting the thimble on the stove might be a way to remove the stuck marble? Hey, it works for installing valve guides. Or, maybe just throw the whole thing in the privy...could be clue to why these show up in digs
  4. From a 1920 publication: https://books.google.com/books?id=EbJMAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA517&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U3XV_U11gthLAJMvHvmxjnWxf6upQ&ci=44%2C641%2C440%2C600&edge=0
  5. Just a guess here but gold and sterling thimbles are quite soft and easily bent or squashed, rendering them unusable. Maybe storing with a marble inside prevented such damage.
  6. Good thoughts coming your way Scott. Hope things turn around for you soon!
  7. Belated Happy Birthday Fritz!
  8. On the way to work today, I saw one fly over and land right at the top of a tree near my house. Very beautiful and uncommon to see one in a tree.
  9. Happy BDay Steph! And KBob that cake is awesome!
  10. Great to listen to this one without watching. Does anyone else find that all the emoting distracts from the music and the message?
  11. Registered my "Kitler" there a few years ago. Very funny site.
  12. Finally have some Monardas in bloom and just caught this Hummingbird Moth with the phone cam tonight.
  13. Beautiful marble! Reminds me a little of the Vitro "fancy" Conquerer types which are a personal favorite.
  14. Still waiting here.......
  15. The daylilies popped on here on Wednesday - the last day of school right on schedule. No monardas yet - waiting for Friday to see if they are on time. Yours is really pretty - I like those pure red ones the best.
  16. Hope the big toad doesn't find him ( her?).
  17. No daylilies open here yet either Lloyd but pretty soon. I always think of them as the "last day of school " flowers because that's when they seem to bloom, but everything is late this year. Our evening primrose just opened today but sadly no gorgeous rose in the middle like yours. The first Monardas always seem to pop open on July 4th but they may be late this year too. Spectacular flower photos guys!
  18. Wow! He's a giant among toads.
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