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Posts posted by Steph

  1. My first thought was Pelt NLR.

    Al is giving me second thoughts.

    I'll have to dig out the translucent Zebra that Mike Barton gave me and see how close it is.  Can't remember right now and have to run to work now.  

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  2. I think the notion that Heroes were 1920's marbles is a mistaken theory.  It is one of the things which has or should have fallen by the wayside as we have learned more in the past couple of decades.

    The first appearance I can recall of the Hero and Unique names in advertising dates  to the 1950's with Master's purchase of the Akro assets.  

    And the patch marbles that we think of as Heroes and Uniques do not match Akro's inventory from the 1920's.   

    Akro's earliest patches that I know of from the advertising were the 1930's patches:  Moss Agates, Royals, Tri-Color Agates.

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  3. Frog legs were my final foray into trying unfamiliar kinds of meat.  

    It wasn't the taste which turned me off.  It was the fact that I could feel every single individual muscle and couldn't forget I was eating a small animal's leg.

    If I were in Asia, I know I'd at least be willing to taste new things.   But what are the odds I'll ever be in Asia?    My bucket list is very short.  The only other foreign country I'm hoping still to make it to is Canada.  :P

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  4. 17 hours ago, B-rett66 said:

    I agree with pinched cut marks. I think the snow flakes are hit marks to be honest. A good clear pic would sure help. There is nothing like seeing it in person. 

    Yeah, maybe a close-up would help ... or a magnifying glass on your end.   I'm still thinking as-mades on the white bits.  Would take more detail to change what my eye thinks it's seeing.

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