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Posts posted by Steph

  1. The mouse is cute!  but yeah, fake.  

    The sharpie marbles are made with used ball mill balls.   Very dense industrial spheres.  

    I think these two were made differently by a different person than the sharpie marbles -- not just drawn on  -- but still modern. 


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  2. 16 hours ago, Jimbo.59 said:

    I apologize I was just trying to maybe take an opportunity to pick up some marbles... I wasn't trying to break or circumvent any rules. Just saw an opportunity and was interested is all

    Art has a great point.  We have the 100 post threshold before new members can post in our Buy-Sell-Trade forum to let people establish themselves before getting into trades on the site.  But we allow people to post their ebay auctions in the main chat forum without worrying about post count, so there is gray area.   Of course ebay has its own buyer protections. 

    My main problem with the proposal is how to set a market value for an unexamined collection of unknown condition.   If you guys want to chat about getting together there's no offense.  Just take the usual care in dealing with people you don't know yet. 

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  3. I think the second marble is a Jabo, made in Reno, Ohio after 1991.  

    The first looks vintage, and I want to say West Virginia Swirl, which at the .8 inch size would point me toward Alley.   

    This particular view almost looks like separate ribbons ribbons meeting at a small cutline, which isn't expected on a WV swirl though, so I'm holding back, but everything else looks quite suitably swirly. 🤔


  4. 7 hours ago, Melissa said:

    I guess I thought fisheyes were specific to Akro, but that is not the case?

    @Alan, is that what you're addressing here?  How a non-Akro might come up with a flisheye-like feature? 

    On 12/24/2023 at 12:50 AM, Alan said:

    What you are referring to as a "fish eye" is created as the molten (read: not solid) glass spins down the rollers.  It is a completely circular motion.  Note the circular motion in the glass.


  5. Patches yes.  Nice seam captures on 4 of the 5 so you're off to a great start (not sure I'm seeing both seams on the center marble).   Vitro Conqueror on the right, a 1940's marble.  Probably some other Vitro Conquerors (I'm thinking #2 and #4) but the pictures seem overexposed somehow and I'm not sure. 

    Combining all four views into a collage gives us less opportunity to blow the images up for detail.  


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  6. 1 hour ago, Joe2 said:

    Is anyone seeing a possibility of a Hand-gathered? I too was entertaining the thought of a foreign possibility. Just haven't seen a Master ever in this color palette 😘 must be so Rare ahf.

    So far I'm not seeing the possibility of handgathering.  I _think_ I'm seeing two v-shaped cutlines ... leading to the thoughts of it being Master. 

      I'm curious about the Mexican possibilities though.  I have been hearing that there were some gorgeous Master-like marbles coming out of Mexico in the 50's and 60's. 

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