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Chuck G

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Chuck G last won the day on August 11 2023

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  1. Happy Birthday Chad, give me a call sometime please. Chuck G---
  2. William, they all look to be Peltier, see what the others say. Chuck G---
  3. I would say Jaboi also. Chuck G---
  4. I would agree, Jabo all the way from what i can see. I just went thru two half gallon of mostly Jabo and found some that matches, and yes, the ying-yang twist on some of them also. Chuck G---
  5. Melissa, i am interested in what one looks likes also. Chuck G---
  6. Chuck G

    Peltier Gem

    Mojo, gonna go with (Vitro) also. Chuck G---
  7. Mojo, both are (Vitros). Chuck G---
  8. Michael, looks to be a six ribbon Peltier. Chuck G---
  9. Mojo, that is a big one. I acquired one at our last falls show here at 1-5/16 big. They are way cool that big. Chuck G---
  10. Chuck G


    Joe, it could very well be an Akro, but let us see what some of the others have to say about this nice example. Chuck G---
  11. I may chime in on this a little. In all my years of collecting, i heard that when Akro produced the "Corkscrews" that there was one in ten or so of the white opaque base yellow corks verses the other colors. These can be found if you look a little bit, especially at the marble shows. Not saying my comments are correct, but what I have been told and found out. We all know that there are the six basic color scheme. Anything outside of these six colors would be a little more difficult to find. For example a white opaque base (purple) cork. Base colors mean a lot also in the color range. A few corks i have found a little harder to come up with is the opalescent "moon" base corks. Popularity with the kids was very sought after by the early marble makers and colors meant a lot to the kids. You had your favorite colors and we still do today. A few of my thoughts to this subject. Chuck G---
  12. I am so very sorry to hear this. I (loved) Lee as he attended a lot of marble shows and we had many conversations together. I will miss his wonderful smile and his chuckle. Chuck G---
  13. Chuck G

    5/8 WVS

    Fire, (if) that example contains (av) it is an Alley. I have examples of this with lots of av, blue and green both and is an Alley. Alley makes these with green av, blue av, and with both, plus teal colored with av. Chuck G---
  14. A little clarification, on this. You are correct and i must (NOT) throw some examples into certain named marbles which i have tendency to do so now and then. You are very correct in what you are say about the "Windshield" type. When i mention (family type) it means something similar to the name, maybe not being actually what it is. i am getting older now and sure DO NOT want to confuse this hobby any worse. If you took this example and reflect to the original "Windshield" only having green glass, what would it be then? The term "Windshield" is a and or a generalized term for a specific type. In Peltier you can find many that resembles these that have a lot oof open spaces to the look. Things like this makes for more discussion that helps the hobby. Your question is a good one, in reference to an Akro "Pop Eye", how much clear glass should it contain? Chuck G---
  15. Fire, one could (possibly) put this into the Peltier "Windsheild" family type. I like seeing at least 45% of the (window) area to classify it as such. Most were in the light amber colored transparent base glass but i am sure there are other colors. A super nice example no matter. Chuck G---
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