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William Marbles

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Everything posted by William Marbles

  1. ..That's awesome Winnie! Light it up, I have one in orange; crazy lite up! ...so they are talking pee wee's on another post.. Got mine out. 2 R&T's....?.... 2 purple one's.... Front row are 17/32", which I believe are the smallest they made. ..just wanted to share!
  2. Pic's of Pee Wee's.... Saved from 3-5-2013 Not sure who posted them, but I saved it. Hope it's ok.. Here's an image of dug stuff, notice top right corner....
  3. Sharing my 2017 tree. Most everything on there is handmade. No Star yet..... Flash and without Flash. Enjoy!
  4. So it has to have color on the road, not design? I think I even see a bike lane.....
  5. **Hijacked** https://www.ebay.com/itm/Akro-Agate-Blue-Base-Oxblood-Swirl-Marble-Size-5-8-Near-Mint-/352202515765?nma=true&si=ET1jkNq07cQq12drv5Cf3PsA8%2BM%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 What are the features of a Road and Tunnel? ie, long single seam, huge loops off the seam, flow towards the loops, little loop action some where else...? Anyway, I think I have a few of these type's. The above auction I think was a Persian Oxblood R&T....
  6. *Green and Black ... was too slow. Color requested is still: Green and Orange
  7. Well, as I remember it; it had a thick milky base. Was hoping the buyer would jump in, guess he's at the safety deposit box. Seen this on the bay...high priced....BUT, do you all see what I'm seeing in there.. I'd like to see one of those.
  8. Thanks Everyone! Fun marble, but it's on it's way to the new owner. Fire polished was the word I was looking for. I'll put a note in it to visit this article. Maybe they will post a thought. Never ending fun!
  9. Sure it was mine, had it for years. That's why I posted. I start my auctions low for traffic, usually at $0.01. The item will sell itself, no reason to put a high price. It's not polished off, just that well done; master glass worker no doubt. I'll see if I can get better pontil picture before it's packed up. EDIT http://www.vintagetoymarbles.com/Images/pontil (1).JPG http://www.vintagetoymarbles.com/Images/pontil (3).JPG Best I can do.... buyer hasn't paid for it yet... Another handmade that's impossible to photo... Oxblood caged Mica Blizzard in Blue... I'd say rare as well. http://www.vintagetoymarbles.com/Images/OxMicaCage.JPG
  10. It's a single pontil handmade 1000% The camera didn't pickup the motion of the glass with the thin clear. Money Back if not happy.
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/122711406525?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  12. Now back to the story. At the flea market when we was talking price, he was holding the Superman that I sold and saved X-mas and led to this large jar being stored away. Yes, you read right, Superman. .....Half way home I still was thinking it was that as well. That's when my heart sank and I didn't see any Red........ hmmm..... I had to look in a marble book to ID it. oh..., Oh! A Blue Galaxy. Now, having looking at this collection, if their wasn't a rare marble that was sort of easy to id; in the mix... I'd be surprised. Notice how much of a novice I was back then, look at the spelling on the first image. ... there are some many nice marbles in here. There was nothing new in it, 60's or later. ? There is a couple with a love mark in this box, but their must be a reason I put it in here. I'd say this is collection in it's own.
  13. Hi Everyone!! Sorry for the delay... I took some more pic's yesterday. Got the main software back up in my 'puter. Also resized a lot of the earlier post's so they would load better. Anyway, there are some marbles in this box! Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6 Row 7 Row 8 Row 9 Row 10 Row 11 Box after photoshoot R1-R11 Bottom to Top Wow!!! I've shown 2 people these since I opened the table! Thanks everyone for your kind thought!! Enjoy!
  14. Hello Everyone, Dang, I did a crappy job with that quick video..... Sorry, that camera is for the drone. Anyway, I did a LONG version also I took 'good' box pictures and got row1 out.... Anyway, Enjoy!!!
  15. More photo's... These above where the interesting one that didn't make the sell or mint piles. There was around 15 already on the bottom shelf when I added them..... This is a group of mint and almost mint from the same group. above is outside ring... lot's of cut's and hand gathered stuff~ These are Mint, that crazy green with fine white shouldn't have been here, has a nick in it. Note the brick, and there is a single pontil purple slag as well. Wow................ Getting to the big box of Wet Mint stuff!!!!!! Haven't taken the photo's yet, well I did do 3 but wasn't happy with the results. I also took a gopro video last night showing off the cabinets with my existing collection as it stands.... Anyway, enjoy~~
  16. Hi Everyone, (I'm between Hard-drives on my computer so I have to unplug and plug in to get to the images and software for my website) Got a little time this AM so let's continue... Well, it wasn't hard not to get into these. They were in a rarely used room and covered up. The plexi-glass didn't work well as it was scratched up and very hard to see into. The display was upside down, so you couldn't see them, they sat down in the frame. Out of sight... out of mind. By day 3, here's where I was at...(end of May) Red bowl was mint or interesting.... at that time.... I have somewhere written down what the marble count was.. when I sorted out everything. I'll see if I find that or not. I have the best stuff in one box, call it my 5 figure box. preview as I took some photo's lastnight..... keep in mind I'm on a crippled computer right now... I'm getting ahead of myself.... Anyway, after I did the first sort, I did a second sort of stuff that could have damage or was worth another look, they went to the bottom self of display for further review. Stuff that was damage went to eBay. I've been doing the drone thing, so that has taken alot of my time, and the marble's once again, have sat...... till about a week or so ago and I've pulled them out to........ ??? not sure yet. But, I have more photo's coming... There are some stuff in here that is like.... WOW!!!! More to come!!! Steph, you know what they say? You have to pay to go to school~ ...I'm still happy~ Enjoy!! .....yes I still own my own website and yes, I still run a live show almost everyday!!!!!
  17. Hello Everyone, So I'd like to share a story with you. I started collecting marbles around 2002-03 with the dump dig on my property with a 3/4" china and a few dozen early vitro, akro and WV swirls. So, just before xmas I was at the flea market and found a very large jar full of marbles. Beening new to the hobby and my heart pounding at spending the last....last of my money I bought them. As some will remember I got a Blue Galaxy (MINT) in the mix and was sold the day (2003) I showed it off for under 600.00. Wow... I was happy, but was told I gave it away. Now, still being new to this I knew they were more good marbles in the jar. So thinking about the future, I made a table and put them in it. Or I should say under it. There they have been since. I figure one day I'd have a child and when old enough I'd get them out and see what's what. I figured by then I'd know what was there and be able to grade them. Well, this year I decided I don't want any children. So, I've learned the hobby pretty well and for the most part I can tell one marble from the other. As far a grading goes, no missing glass = in my collection. So here's the collection as I broke the screws loose and let this collection see the light of day again. I've been through them once and made the keeper pile and sell pile, which I've been listing on eBay for the past month or so. I'll stop here with the story as I need to take more photo of this very impressive collection. I have sat on these for years and you all are the first to see it, not even local collector's have seen these yet. Enjoy!
  18. Hello Everyone!!! Put up 2 marbles on the bay!!! $0.01 starting price. These are a buddy of mines and asked if I'd sell them. http://www.ebay.com/itm/122082873360?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/112092938730?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thanks for looking!!
  19. 1-5/16" Super Cork!! 5/8" for size compare. Eyelashes to boot....
  20. Nameless at the moment.... Enjoy
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