I have factory packaged weewee sized peewees (3/8” and under) by Vitro and MK. I have old peewees by Alley, Champion, Ravenswood, Heaton, Cairo, Akro, Pelt, and others. Just sharing some peewee info
Once you know which countries to look in to find them in bulk, you can easily find a 100 a month if you want to. They aren’t common in the USA, but they are quite common in several other countries
I know Jack had the Bogard/Heaton leftover equipment but I am not aware of JABO buying any other companies and want to include the info in some JABO info I share with others.
I don’t believe I am familiar with Chinese transitionals. Would love to see some more. I was going to throw Bulgarian out there as a possibility especially because of the size, but I am unfamiliar with Chinese ones. Talking about the original marble.