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Everything posted by Nantucketdink

  1. My logos are all in there along with a spattering of other euro sparklers
  2. I have never seen a peewee sized Euro sparkler before. Would you kindly confirm the size. Great find! I collect these..also have Bonus, Ajax, and le chat in addition to Bonux.
  3. Orange is even prettier in their wirepulls
  4. Even the brown/purple with orange are harder to find than the blue with orange. The green and orange is harder to find by far. The 3 colored ones on white are also harder to find. Pic for reference. I do love the Winnie color combo like the original pic in this thread with blue and yellow on white.
  5. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant Jeff. Were you saying that blue and orange on white was the hardest to find white base of all Veiligglas made? There are several much harder to find color combos. Here are some of my blue and orange as reference.
  6. I had previously made the same mistake. Here is where her son described and named the marble.
  7. Nice marble! Jeff-I also mistakenly believed the white base with blue and orange were also Winnies…they are not. They do seem to be a little less common than the white base with blue and yellows.
  8. And at least 2 additional companies in France and Germany made what we classify as Euro Sparklers.
  9. First one looks like a Vitro Anacortes Classic “Blue Moon”
  10. We could use the pictures as a training tool for recognizing what orange peel is. Just saying.
  11. You can see the orange peel in the pics fairly easily especially in pics1, 2, and 3. Did you mean to say there was orange peel?
  12. I have superglued marbles back together myself a few times. It works very well actually. No I haven't sold them ever though.
  13. Steve Sturtz included Classic production estimates in one of his books, but there were still many many many runs made after. Without any doubt there are more different JABO color combos of marbles out there in the world than any other maker by far. Vacor may produce more quantities of marbles overall than any other maker, but still limits themself to a limited number of color combos. That doesnt really answer your question, but the variety of JABOs out there in the world is mind boggling. If you add in Dave's other marbles at DAS, SMM, and Champion...his influence in the marble world will be felt forever.
  14. I think they were called color tips. Similarish to the weeglos
  15. One of the 3/4” JABO Classics was just like this. I believe the year was 2004
  16. Adding some others I like from the run. A few colors…but nice
  17. I like these ones the best from this run
  18. These are the marbles that actually taste like Jawbreakers
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