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Everything posted by Nantucketdink

  1. Least collectible JABOs are probably transparent blue 5/8” industrials. Most collectible is up for debate for sure, but Peltier Mansion silvers, DT Specials, Silver Foxes, Madyia lutz swirls routinely sell for triple digits when they come up for sale. I realize that info is useless for a newbie.
  2. some similar Champion blues at the top
  3. Trying to think about how one could end up with the “stringy” look to the pattern and the bubbled overheated look when starting with one of these machine mades gives me a headache as I don’t even know if it’s possible.
  4. I suppose moderately buffing it could POSSIBLY do something similar. It could just be a full on original torch, but the combo of colors hints to me of something else. Just trying to share a thought about a marble (the fall frenzy one) most are likely not familiar with. When you shine a light on the blue moonie base Fall Frenzies the base is a match to the original marble.
  5. There’s only one run of machine made marbles I am aware of that included marbles with a blue moonie base…lutz swirls…metallic swirls…black…with hints of green and white just like the original marble and that is Reno Fall Frenzy. The black swirls in this specific stage of the run are not as thinned out/stringy as the marble in question and thus one of the several reasons I suggested it would have had to have been torched to make it look that way. The colors are spot on though.
  6. You can see a couple of the Steelers types in this random bag image I grabbed off the internet. The base shifts from almost black to gray to blue on these types during the run. Sorry -best pic I could grab quickly
  7. I had looked at this marble earlier on FB. It made me wonder if someone had torched an already made Reno Fall Frenzy with metallic and lutz and this was what resulted. There is a Reno Fall Frenzy (JABO) really similar but none display the overheated look of these or such an unusual pattern and yet the colors seem a perfect match.
  8. …but what company were you going to tell us made these? I still want to know to try to research them more.
  9. I can’t recognize any of these as JABO. Maybe it was supposed to say “JABO?”
  10. My guess is one of the yellow with green marbles that rolled out shortly before or after the Kiwi marbles. I have a pic that has a couple similar hiding in it, but I was trying to only include marbles with the additional orange in them in this pic when I grouped it together. Best I can do to try to show one at the moment
  11. 2004 JABO is my best guess
  12. It looks like it could easily be a variant of the 2004 JABO Steelers Classic
  13. I just gave myself a brief history lesson by exploring the relationship between Germany and Argentina because of this comment. It would be neat to determine if the family that runs Tinka is of German dissent or not.
  14. The marbles in my pic are the same style as in your bag and I even found that exact style attributed to Tinka specifically instead of other past Argentina makers. You said you knew who made them…what is the name of the other Argentina company you thought made them? That would be cool info to know as I haven’t heard the other company names before.
  15. ??? Then who made the marbles in your picture???
  16. There’s a 3/4” JABO Classic circa 1996 or so that really looks just like the original pic, but no way it would be dug so just has to be a coincidence/lookalike.
  17. It sure looks like a JABO to me, but I hate IDing marbles without the size. Everybody should include the size every time
  18. I agree-buying this book is a no brainer. I would buy it at double the price without hesitation. It’s actually quite a value.
  19. So I believe they are DAS. The brand new label had me wondering if there was a DAS run a few days ago I wasn’t aware of
  20. Not an Ace. It is a Joker 2 (7/27/08)
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