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Everything posted by Nantucketdink

  1. Are there Mountain Dews that have no orange in them at all? I have only seen pics of ones that include traces of orange.
  2. I believe it is a Rainbow Run
  3. I think it may be a Gold Medal instead, but I should probably confirm it hands on with my marbles. Will check
  4. There was a JABO Classic like this. Late 90s
  5. Either Vacor or JABO. I am not certain which
  6. I don’t think I would call a green on tan base a game marble, even when weak. I know of Heatons, Ravens, and JABOs with similar colors. Alley might be a possibility too. Ine of those makers likely
  7. The green one likely is not, but the other 3 look JABO to me
  8. That is wicked bubbly!! Love it! Sometimes it isn’t quantity, but the quality of the bubble. My personal best bubble in a machine made.
  9. because many of us are hard headed Americans using our ancient measuring system.
  10. Here's the version of the Jim King Oxbloods bag with just the 2007s in it
  11. this is one of the Sammy Sparkles bags Ron mentioned (opened)
  12. There are a lot of DAS out there that meet that same 3/4” criteria too.
  13. Yes. Not my group but I have a bunch.
  14. It looks like a JABO Joker Gold Medal, but the base looks tan on my phone. The marble I believe it is is definitely white base
  15. I bet I can help you with a list. If you can give me your email I would be happy to send you a Word document I wrote that includes all the known marble making sessions at JABO, SMM, and DAS. There’s some more details in it too.
  16. They may be, but they also may not. Hard to be certain without any obvious tells on the swirl patterns
  17. I believe it is a 3/4” JABO Classic like Ron thinks.
  18. The fun hunt for euro sparklers is finding ones with both aventurine and oxblood in the same marble. They are out there, but not common at all and borderline hard to find/rare.
  19. Oxblood on the interior looks the same as on the exterior. Easy to see in these examples. I have plenty of euro sparklers with what I think of as oxblood
  20. First one JABO from 97 or 98
  21. If it’s JABO I would start by comparing to New Decade examples
  22. I can’t help with the handmades (I am clueless on almost all handmades)
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