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Everything posted by 1313

  1. hard to tell on the pontils, a fine looking marble. i seen it earlier this week and was thinkin this is a bad mofo.i wouldnt be surprized to see 7g on this puppy
  2. its a nice banded transparent, with opaque bands, not a banded opaque. rare but lacking something
  3. akro agates blow as the crow flies ?
  4. greg on something again
  5. does that mean, the torch polisher of the pontil got a little carried away?
  6. thanxs for putting that good word in for me. dale will probably be here in the spring. thanxs galen
  7. looks like trapped air, maybe it was an end of cane. they shoulda pulled it closed a little better. id say originally made that way doesnt look altered. in hand could be another story...........................
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YMimJdHskI
  9. looks lika chicken coop. nice setup!
  10. same here dave b. other planetary does that mean uranus? you can buy more anytime, the postman delivers. those marbles are sweet........thanxs for the shoutout
  11. i have found some rare marbles at bead shows
  12. MIKE, did you get that millifiori from me?
  13. nice find clyde, but i need some evidence of chihuly supervising. ive seen him paint.
  14. ive been to the friendship indiana flea market http://friendshipfleamarket.com/ for 20 yrs and these are available as are most chinese imports. a contemp mib, thanxs but no thanxs. ive also purchased these at intergaltic bead shows for the same prices. as the years have gone by the quality is better and better
  15. nice beads. the milli beads are newer, 5.00 per strand, not hardly.ive bought those at 3.00 per bead, and they are available. the cheverons are a little higher if they are new.
  16. hopefully more to come, ive invited chihuly to my next sessions!
  17. holy sumthinanother, thats kickace as well
  18. you really know how to hit em outa the park ;0) acekickin setup
  19. steph,not sure which avatar that was. mc, right-on. ric, thanxs for the compliment. it makes me think i need to update my car alarm as you were pouncing in the parking lot, j/k griff, thanxs for the vote of confidence. im a skinny young guy trapped in a fatmans old body. mibs, thanxs for the compliment, there are some scott patrick mibs on ebay, enjoy bocci, well that may be an imposter mike, i think the word might be infamous, i did find my trukey! ron, was glad to see you as well, youve really got them moving on west virginia marbles
  20. does the fat guy on the right look like some kinda marketing campaign?
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