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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. I will be there I will be looking for great handmades in great condition I hope to ad at least one great marble to my collection. Randy
  2. Thanks for the great pictures to everyone. Please keep them coming and tell us how you found them if you like. That flame is great, Catfish
  3. Winnie what kind of marble is that? Its cool
  4. That's a killer count me in on the give away. )
  5. Ok so everyone please tell a marble story long or short is ok. Here is a quickly One Sunday morning I was at the Pasadena rose bowl swapmeet. I come up to this table of toys and there is a mint 1-3/4" clear glass lutz with dark blue lines. I pick it up and ask the toy dealer how much? He says 25.... So he has me wondering 25 what? So I take out two twenties and hope for change,, yep 15.00 change. Needless to say I was jazzed. Next story plz
  6. I am glad u don't like antique handmades cus that's more for me. ;-)
  7. The only thing missing is YOU Let'm roll
  8. Hi, this is my first post. My name is Randy Conway and I live in California. I collect what I consider Killer handmades. I will have my son Brandon help me post some pictures. I love large unusual marbles and condition is very important. Mint mint mint.. I recently bought two 2" Indians that are not mint but they show well, I am not satisfied with them because of the condition. I chose to post on this thread because it's about large handmades and three of my marbles have been referenced. I have two of the three same cane clown onions that sold in Morphys several years ago. I also have the 3-1/16" swirl.. I am always looking for more. I am working on a new web page on marbles but it is not up ad running yet, the address is Killermarbles dot com so please keep an eye out for it. My email is "randy at linkline dot com" Feel free to email me. Thanks Randy Conway
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