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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. Turn off the sound and shoot it again please...
  2. I would like to know who is the proud owner of The OnionskinLobedMicaCloudSinglePontil2-1/16Mint That I found a picture of in the gallery.. It is yellow and orange and looks like a hot air balloon ? With mica
  3. If anybody is interested I've started putting marbles out for sale in the shop. If you are ever in the area stop in for a peak or just to say hello. Address Sun City coin 26010 Mc Call blvd Sun City, ca 92586 951-672-3099 Randy Ps I am always looking for great marbles
  4. I got my bill today. 71.00 for shipping and handling one marble.
  5. I picked up lot 1430 A 2-15/32 solid core candy cane/ barber pole.
  6. Who is going to the seventh annual Orange County Marble Show in Southern California!!! March 16, 2013 At the Howard Johnson Hotel 222 W. Houston Ave. Fullerton, Ca. 92832 I am are you?
  7. We found our boxer alive and well After about 6 weeks She was living on a golf coarse about 5 miles from our house. Nobody could catch her. They feed her and she ate a few ducks. A guy saw a old poster we posted and he called us. I went there and he told me go way over there and look by the trees on the side of that hill. There she was but she ran away, I had to go back three times before she would come to me. Our boxer got out Tuesday and we can't find it. We have looked everywhere we have posted over 100 signs. Handed out hundreds of flyers. Lost in murrieta, Ca. The good news is we found and reunited someone else's boxer with its owner. So show me your boxer sulphides. If they exist? Thanks Randy
  8. I can see that collecting polished marbles has its advantages. price is D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y in the buyers favor
  9. That's a great marble, now back to my turkey
  10. I would like to browse the site but I can barely find the mouse let alone load pictures, ARG
  11. Please let me know when I can buy these two great marbles from you. Thanks Randy Conway
  12. I always like the transparent lutz, Being 7/8 makes it even better I like it!
  13. I attend many different types of shows, marbles, antiques ect ect It is always better if the sellers are all there. How ever sometimes they can't stay until the very end. I think if the sellers that are set up will need to leave early they should set up towards the back of the room. So that the collectors don't get hit with a bunch of empty tables when they walk into the room. Randy
  14. I said they look great together I did not say they tast great together. its a statement not a slogan, Now Lets talk about Marbles :white-flag-25: :white-flag-25: :white-flag-25: :white-flag-25:
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