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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. Ok here are the rules post a clambroth As follows 1) first post a clambroth of any color 2) second post and there after must be of a a color combo that has not been posted yet Let's see how many color combos we can come up with. Please post your most unusual colors first, that way more people can play Only one post per hour and one marble per post Old or new
  2. Show'em if you got'em Please tell us the size also. Old or new
  3. 1-1/2" peppermint 1-1/4Indian 25/32 pink base lutz Sizes are aproxament And I am always looking for great marbles in mint condition Randy
  4. http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s573/coinmanrandy/F0AE9825-7E25-4DCC-8514-0423B01901A2-163-000000075381E0D1_zps30f95200.mp4
  5. My favorite is the big one It is over three inches I bought it from morphys auction Sorry I don't have individual pictures yet My newest marbles (4) from morphys are not in the picture yet
  6. Randy I don't have a current picture of myself this is when I was 7 years old Vintage handmades for me
  7. Yes but I have not figured out how to post a picture. My son will help me when I remember to ask him. I have lots of pictures to post
  8. Ok Lloyd, I am glad to see you found my peppermint with mica. Please send it to me ASAP Thanks Randy
  9. Who are you? Show a picture Do you prefer handmade or machine made marbles?
  10. I actually went to the auction to buy the 7/8 pink lutz, my high bid was 19000. Then I was out bid at 19500 The auctioneer tryed to get me in at 20k But I wondered where it would stop? Then a earlier bidder that stopper for a while jumped back in. I stayed on the side lines after my bid of 19k. This was incredible! Randy
  11. Thats correct the 7/8 lutz with opaque pink base sold to the highest bidder for over $25000.00 U.S. The smaller pink base lutz sold for over $11000.00 This includes the buyers premeum. On the 7/8 two bidders went at it and it shot up to 19500. Real fast and then a third bidder bidder and finally it settled at 21500+20 percent b.p. totaling over 25k A Peppermint swirl 1-1/2" 7800.00 A brick 3200.00 Blue lutz 1-7/64" 7000+ Prices are from memory and are aproxament.
  12. If you can make it to the show please bring the mables so we can check them out.
  13. I can email a picture of my marbles to someone if they would be willing to post them for me. I don't know how to post them. Who is willing to help? Thanks Randy
  14. Ya you really needed to pay attention to that one. Looks Iike he was selling a clay marble. But he was comparing it to a great mica. I would say hey thought they were the same.
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