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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. I am trying to figure out how to post all the pictures together I try to post the third pic and it says its to big. So I am working on it. Randy
  2. Ok I will try to load some pictures, of the two transitions I bought at the Kokomo show.
  3. I don't get it No I am not blonde
  4. What do you all think about all the marbles showing up on eBay from Bulgaria? Are they old?
  5. That's what marble collecting is all about...............
  6. I bought this on eBay a month or so ago. I am starting to develope a liking for transitions. I bought a couple at the Kokomo show too, they are about 1" or so.
  7. Ok I really bought the chest on eBay and filled it my self. But you got to admit yard sale find sounds better. Show some yard sale / flee market bargains.
  8. Here are three nice peppermints the center one has mica and is 13/16
  9. Count me in and I might bring a marble friend or two. Randy Conway 951 323-4736
  10. I took two other collectors with me so the 4runner was a bit packed. The guy that sat in the back seat lived however, although he might have slight brain damage. Maybe LOL Ps Brian E. asked me if that was my favorite pillow.
  11. This is a very colorful set that I picked up at the new Iowa show recently.
  12. These are 7/8 and the mail man brought them today... I did not juice the pictures that's just how they came out.
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