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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. Tom Mix I had a hard time getting a good pic because of the white back ground on these
  2. Ringer box Also this box is pictured in the book marble mania
  3. I have two that are just under 2" 1-15/16" I believe, one is amber and one is green
  4. I would like to say Rich did a great job with this show and I cant wait until next year. WAY TO GO RICH and all that helped him. Found some great marbles and visited some nice people. I like to post my marbles it's how I share them and enjoy them. I like to bring them to shows for the same reason. Most of the time they are put away for safe keeping. I hope you all enjoy them too. I wish everybody would share there collections here. ;-)) Randy
  5. Ok, yes these are two of the marbles that were sold at Morphys about 10+ years ago Of these two, the largest is 2-3/8" and as I recall it sold for $14,300 And the smaller one I think is 1-7/8" and sold for around 2800.00 I don't have them sitting in front of me so sizes are as I remember. I did not buy them from Morphys I bought them later. I would like to get my hands on the third one too.
  6. Poking up thru the dirt, I figured it was a can of gold coins. But as luck would have it it was just these old marbles. The smallest one in the group is 1-1/4" (the amber)
  7. I figured it out Back in the old days this was a cloud now they call it a clown and charge more. LOL. Just kidding but it's probably true. By the way, when these marbles were found there was three from the same cane. I am interested in getting the third. I don't know who has it but if anybody does can you please pass the word to them. Thanks Randy Conway
  8. I am trying to load more pictures but its a challenge.
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