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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. I would like to insert a picture here of a large spotted Dick (Marble) but it is near impossible to post pictures on this site.
  2. I wonder if anyone has the before and after pictures? I saw a marble and wonder if it’s the same one
  3. I am looking for the old thread about the large Lutz that was re worked and for sale in a marble auction and it was not disclosed as repaired can anyone fine that thread and send me a link? thanks Randy Conway
  4. not 144 per but 800 for one and the rest for the others
  5. Well I was the under bidder and very disappointed when I lost and wish I had bid more..... Bummmmer I am always looking for different color lutz marbles As a good friend of mine once said Show me the lutz and I will show you the money
  6. Found some on eBay seller “mikescase” check out his current and past auctions
  7. I am messaging this guy on eBay. Does anyone that can look at this marble live near Mission, Kansas? To evaluate the condition?
  8. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good marble
  9. The marble from Murphy’s is superior to this one. As I recall Murphy’s stated it was the largest they had seen. I think it’s a little over 2-3/8” and it’s mint.
  10. Why does he where spots? . . . . . Because he does not want to be spotted. FYI this is marble related because when we see spots we think of marbles and if you don't then your not normal.
  11. The ebay sellers name is "boimeddoctor" and they all all sold as a group heck of a deal 600.00 like I said a fool and his money are soon parted LOL
  12. Definitely buy what you like and enjoy them. I saw they are listed on eBay
  13. Actually while these marbles are basically worthless I think as a group they would bring more than 20.00 on eBay. The red, white and blue one is very eye catching. That with the fact that a fool and his money are soon parted means there will be bidders
  14. These are not old German Marbles, I consider them Older contemporaries.
  15. What's a Marble Show? Is it it anything like a movie show? Is this where I everyone goes to find the marbles that they lost? how about some marble jokes?
  16. You can report the auction to eBay. There is a link in the auction that says report
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