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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. That's a marble that went a little crazy in the making.The yellow band that is one of the internal bands actually comes out of the marble near one pontil and wraps around the outside of the marble. It's glass that is made on the surface of the marble. As made for sure.
  2. Actually I was thinking of changing my mind and calling it a screwed up clam. Now that I have convinced you it's a banded opaque. LOL
  3. Hi Steph are those marbles or Beads?
  4. ok that's what I thought Portugal. I did not know they were old. I like that much better, I was surprised to see one in Dannys auctions I thought they were newer. Thanks
  5. I cant tell from the photo. do you know which sale this postcard is from? maybe someone can read the listed description. Thanks again
  6. I see a left hand twist onion in this picture, is it german? Second marble from the left sitting in the gap between the two boards. What do you think?
  7. Is the swirl with lutz pictured here? It could be the large solid core but I can't see the lutz if it is.
  8. Please post pictures of post cards from running rabbit marble auctions. They are always fun to look at, lets see how many we can get posted. Thanks Randy
  9. Ok as I remember when I was at the Las Vegas marble show years ago Danny Turner was there displaying some marbles for a future auction. He had a large swirl around 2" and wraped around the core was a lutz band, maybe 2 lutz bands I don't recall for sure. I am wondering if its the same marble that is coming up in morphys Auction lot 1171. The Vagas show was in either 1996, 1995 or 1994. I think 95 or 96 but 1994 is possible and the show was in the beginning of November. Can anyone find this marble in the running rabbit catalogues and help me with what Danny said about it? I was thinking it was a solid core but the one in Morphys they are calling a ribbon. Thanks Randy
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