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Everything posted by Killermarbles

  1. Well dont any of you try to get any of my marbles because I have round the clock protection.
  2. Thanks everyone, And as for you LUTZY About the comment "get down off of your pedastal and associate on friendly terms with us mere mortals" Since I have meet you in person and you seem like a real nice person I will assume you are just kidding around. I don't even have a pedestal Lol
  3. They might roll around in the case but its all tempered glass I don't think it will break. Earthquakes never scare me but when I am back visiting my mom in MO I can say I really don't like the storms. Yikes
  4. I have tried to find the ultimate display for my marbles but I can't seem to find it. So I decided to build my own, actually Matthew my 12 year old and I built it. First stop was the lumber yard where I bought some 2x6 and 2x8's That's where it all began. Then Wayne Scotting for the back, and some paint, then to the glass shop. And here we have it. It's 69" tall the back cabinet is 29" wide and the two side cabinets are 14" wide.
  5. A group shot with two 2-1/2" one 2-9/16" one 2-5/8" and the 3-1/16
  6. Here is a picture of the 3-1/16" divided core that I bought in a Morphy auction.
  7. And a group shot I think the two same cane are about 2-3/8" if my memory is correct.
  8. Two large same cane that match the one posted earlier
  9. Ya it's a royal pain to list something if you have not listed in a while. I would Ask Zaboo She knows all things. Lol
  10. Well I sorta over slept. I woke up at 8 AM here in California got up and tried to sign in to Morphys live on my iPad and then on my wife's lap top no luck so I went back to bed...zzzzzzzZzzzzzzzZzzzzzZZ So I hope you all got some goodies I already have some marbles anyways Randy
  11. I found these on eBay 25 for 25.00 plus shipping I just got them and they work great for marbles. They are NOT my auctions but thought others might like them too. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-25-Large-RED-Display-or-Jewelry-Trays-22x8-Flocked-Velour-/221540182237?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3394d2e8dd Thanks Randy
  12. A bit blurry but it will do In the center row are 7/8"
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