Ok all these are new to me except the largest one. That one I all ready had for years. I wanted the coreless swirl and had to buy the sulphide s too. Bummer lol
The coreless matches the big swirl so well I felt had to have it.
Sorry for the bad photo of the sulphides.
I will try harder next time.
But I cant show the pictures until I get home tonight. LOL
There are MINT
hint 8 Sulphides and a 1-3/4 coreless swirl.
The group was on the boards a while back but I cant find the thread.
I am looking for great vintage handmade Marbles.
I will be there Thursday and Friday but my son Matthew has a Basketball game on Saturday and I need to be home for that. So I will leave Saturday morning fairly early.
Matthew is 11 and the are playing the last game of the season for the championship.
First Place. Go Rebels Go!!!
Randy Conway
From Cailifornia
Ok here is my transition.
Months back I posted it and someone thought it looked Chinese.
Nope it's not,
It's really sweet.
It's at work so I can't measure it tonight but I think it's 1-5/8 or 1-3/4
I don't know, seems my wedding anniversary is June 5th
If I mis that she might want half of my marbles.
She said they are already half hers so that means she gets 3/4 of them.
She said the same thing about the house too.
Go figure?
I plan on being there with my new bride on Wednesday. That's write my new bride Mary, we got hitched June 5th, 1982. We will be continuing our honey moon in canton.
Please bring great handmades.
Here is a picture with the white base clam with blue lines which was could in the doll.
I don't have a individual picture of it, I will take one later.
Running rabbit sold one also, it had a white base clam with blue lines. the clam is around 2".
The condition of the clam I would say is probably 9.0
Several reflections but no missing glass.
I don't recall what Danny graded it.
I will try to post pictures of it tomorrow if I can find time at work.
I have it and the doll.
Randy Conway