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Everything posted by EdNargel

  1. A little trivia for you..... that was the first video ever played on MTV
  2. Okay so I realized that something about that second pic reminds me of Mr. Natural.........."Keep on truckin"
  3. No offense to Kokomo lovers but I hope not, I'm pretty confident it's Pelt.
  4. Bill's marbles are okay if you like that sort of thing
  5. Some really nice Vitros guys!! here's a few of my favorites.... The first one is a little rough but I dig it anyway 15/16"
  6. Just a thought but I wonder if when the Sunset burns that it also gives the clear base the amber/brownish tint?
  7. Personally I love marble names in fact I even give some of my Pelts names but I don't usually unleash them on the public however I do think that there should be a visible connection between the name and the marble. these are of what I consider to be a classic Sunset and some Sunsets in various stages of burntness.
  8. IMHO red/ yellow/ orange ones are Sunsets like Ann said, then you have the burnt Sunset variation. I've heard some other colors called in the "Sunset family" to me that's a bit of a stretch, they're just transparent Rainbos in my opinion.
  9. I love Pelts with their seams pulled together like that, nice one.
  10. Okay Dave since you opened the can of worms I thought the exact same thing about it having some of the Copperhead colors going on when I first saw this marble, the colors aren't nearly as sexy as Ann's and the base is too light but....... BTW your mib is one KILLER Pelt
  11. Yes after seeing the second pics I agree on CAC, here are a few Alleys.....
  12. New addition to the Rainbo collection 11/16"
  13. My Peewees 3/8" to a hair under 1/2" and a pic of my favorite....
  14. Thought I'd air these guys out for a while
  15. Definitely way more Tigers than Wigers out there...
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