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Everything posted by EdNargel

  1. I'd go with Pelt on both of those
  2. I'd say they're not real uncommon but they are kinda HTF
  3. LOL... the Marble (sphere) is at Disneyland and it sits in holder full of water which makes it so it can be spun in any direction....very cool!!!
  4. When you see marbles everywhere and enlist a bunch of kids to help you get it to your truck.
  5. Don't think Navarre, transitional would be a safe bet
  6. These can fool you when strategically hidden in lots, wannabe Black Eye Pea, Rebel and Superman.
  7. Fantastic!!! love it when you steal em like that
  8. Nice score, that Master is really nice, couple of nice Pelts too.
  9. Congrats on the new mibs, looks like some really nice ones in there!!
  10. it's 21/32" in really nice shape for a transitional
  11. Dave, just keep clicking on the choose file button to add multiple pics...cool bead by the way.
  12. Here's one, There were some really pretty mibs that came out of Japan.
  13. My favorite at the moment, 11/16" Akro Carnelian Oxblood
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