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Everything posted by Ima_ddicted

  1. EDNA! You have forgotten my birthday for the last 40 years or so. Now make up for your error by sending me those super-duper Easter eggs! LIZ: You have my e-mail addy but I don't have yours. Drop me an e-mail and I'll forward you those pics. So nice meeting you!
  2. my sweet Mr. Marbles. Seems he belonged to one of the ladies who worked at the motel. I met her at the elevator the next morning as I was going outside to let Mr. Marbles do his bathroom thing. Anyways, she said "That's my dog. Where did you get my dog"? She said his name and he immediately went to her and started whining. Seems he had run away from home after a bath and didn't have his collar on. She lived quite a ways from her motel job and the way it all happened was amazing. Joe and I had stopped the truck in the middle of the busy highway to rescue Mr. Marbles from traffic and sure death. We actually saw him almost get hit several times. I hope he's safe and happy. He was a wonderful little fellow.
  3. I met someone at the WVMCC show and slept with him on the very first night we met. We spent the whole night together. I picked him up right near the Cracker Barrel restaurant. It was love at first sight for me but he wasn't so sure and he tried to run. It took some doing, but I finally convinced him that I was the lady he needed. I hauled him straight back to my motel room. Although he was shorter than me and hairier than I like them, quite unkempt and smelly, and definitely what most women would call a real dog, I will never forget him. I am still heartbroken and still crying. He lived with another woman and couldn't leave her. I love you and miss you my sweet Mr. Marbles
  4. I have several latticino marbles with a 2 color latt but this one looks odd. The colors are (for lack of a better description) a muddy dirt brown and white intertwined. The outer ribbons/bands are white and muddy dirt brown also. I can't remember ever seeing this brown color before and I've seen many collections of vintage handmades. Is it unusual? Thanks!
  5. Hahahaha! I have 2 W.Va. swirls I call Dolly Partons. They have some characteristics that leaves little doubt who they should be attributed to. Now you behave yourself catfish or I'll drain your fishin' hole and drown your worms.
  6. Hahahaha - catfish your avitar just cracks me up! Love it
  7. WooHoo! I love your show reports and can't wait! Gail (who's wishing Texas wasn't so goldang far from NY state).
  8. How kind of you Ron. When I meet you, me and my Dolly Partons are gonna give you a great big hug. From the sounds of it, all 3 of us are gonna feel right at home! I sent you a message. Thanks again!
  9. Thanks! I really like the pastel colors on vintage marbles. They make me happy as Spring is my favorite season of the year. How sweet of you Felicia - I hope my old clunker makes it that far. The car's a dog - I'm surprised it doesn't bark
  10. As I am packing up the marbles, thought I'd take a couple pics of some of my favorite blues. (Pic colors are not as good as seeing the marbs in hand). Also, there's 5 different shades of blue w/white ribbons in the case. Prob not all are Alley Agates. I know David C. is crazy about the "Alley blues". (sounds like a good title for a country song doesn't it?) Some of the white ribbons are hard to see- just squint
  11. Can we see your new marble buys? Fess up! You spent far more than intended and you had the time of your life
  12. Yeah Steph. That's what I named them because they are smaller than the wedding cake marbles. They are much prettier than my pics showed. They have the layered frosting look too.
  13. Thanks everyone! BTW David: whaddya find at the flea market? If it's killer marbles, I'll give ya a quarter a piece sight unseen LOL
  14. Pinks and purples and yellows oh my! And a pretty light blue with purple too.
  15. Mine are packed in the boxes to take Wednesday for the show. Here's a couple 5/8" I call Vitro "cupcakes". The white frosting type design is much runnier/drippier than my crummy pics show.
  16. Craig Snyder sold a birdcage marble last year I believe. It was superduperfantastic. I remember there was a lot of controversy about the origins. Jeekers- I need me one or two of those birdcage beauties.
  17. Oh my - those are beautiful MarbleClueless. I like the Akro with lots of colors. And the Masters are super! If they roll off your desk, head them in the direction of my house pretty please
  18. Oh yeah- I see what you mean now. They do look different when grouped like that. Nice marbles Winnie! Very nice. A great photo too!
  19. OK kids- here's the pics. No applause please The brushed patch is kind of a blueberry blue with white. ALSO: the Akro oxblood "ghost corkscrew" pics are up. See the post Akro Oxblood Whatchmacallit. Actually I guess you can see the Akro in these pics too. Yes MrsMo - there are a couple of purple marbles on the bottom row. Well, one is a pinkish purple. When I'm sick of looking at them I'm gonna send them to you.
  20. Here goes nothin'. Hope they are viewable. Can you see the white "ghost" corkscrew?
  21. Ok MrsMo - I am charging up the battery. I need to find your marbles today too so I can get them in the mail tomorrow.
  22. That's a great marble! It does look like a German sparkler to me. I have some with those colors but mine are pretty banged up. Where did I put them? I am so unorganized.
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