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Everything posted by Ima_ddicted

  1. I honestly don't remember David. It was also labelled Alan B. however when I contacted Alan he said he was not familiar with it. I could have sworn I saw it on one of his auctions or perhaps on his pre-crash marble site. (what a fantastic site that was!). He thinks maybe someone on the boards may have named it. Anyways, it's not much to really look at. Looks black opaque with a white brushed patch but when backlit it's a bright blue and very nice. BTW: I have the Master Crab Claw also. Now the CC is a very pretty mib.
  2. I have a jet black brushed patch Master Marble labelled "Blueberry Hill". When backlit the marble is blue. Not dark like cobalt but lighter. I guess it's a blueberry color. I cannot find a reference to this marbles anywhere. I know I didn't name it myself and I don't usually back light any marble. Does this name/marble ring a bell with anyone out there in marbledom? It's a shame that I didn't keep better records. BTW: It also has a metallic strip.
  3. I wish I wasn't so old and could understand all of this internet crapola.

    I'm a nice person who has worked hard all of my life and I have a deep love for marbles.

    I'd rather give up the old man I am married to than give up my beautiful marbles.

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

  4. Hey Zaboo- I hope you don't mind, but this very picture is my desktop pic. Just wonderful and I thank you so much for sharing. THANK-YOU everyone for sharing your wonderful marble pics. Aventurine is a favorite of mine.
  5. I'd post a pic but everyone reading this post already knows that I am no photographer. If anybody out there cares, I'll try to capture the image of this marble tomorrow - in the sunshine. It is a very odd Akro. I had it labelled as a ghost corkscrew. The base glass is white milky/moonie looking translucent but is not opalescent. The white corkscrew is all inside. However, the thin line oxblood on the outside is in the corkscrew pattern. It's odd for sure. Is there such a thing as a ghost corkscrew? It's an attractive ghostly thing for sure. Thanks.
  6. My prayers are going out right now for Sarah and her family. God bless them and watch over them during this scary ordeal. Prayers do work- I have been a witness to it. Get well soon Sarah.
  7. I have wondered the same thing Steph. I have lots of white based mibs and (to my eyes) there appears to be a difference in the whites. Some companies marbles just appear to have a cleaner brighter whiter white look. Maybe on cleaning day some glass companies just forgot to add the bleach? LOL Same goes for clear based marbles too right? Some marbles have dirty looking not-so-clear debris filled glass and others have super clean, clear, and bright glass. But then what do I know.
  8. Thanks Galen! I had never seen that chart before. I sure appreciate the info.
  9. Beautiful catseyes cat's eye! I love the fourth one on the top row. Very nice pic too. Thanks!
  10. Such sweethearts! Give them a hug and kiss for me ok?
  11. I didn't know Jack but my sincere condolences go out to his family and friends. Rest in peace.
  12. Again lousy pics. The ribbons are red- I see no orange or blending at all. This is very frustrating when my photography is so sucky. Definitely not a Vacor. Thanks guys for the replies!
  13. LOL thanks David. Mayhaps I go a bit overboard at times.
  14. Thanks Galen- I'll take them to the show. My pics are way off color. They are real sweet in hand and after handling all the marbles I have handled in the past 2 months, I can tell that they are a step above most. What about my original question about sizes?
  15. I realize pics are important so here goes. I hope they're halfway acceptable LOL I hate to ask again but can someone give me an approximate value? I need some coins for my upcoming trip to W Va. in the T taxi gas hog mobile. W Va. here I come! WOOHOO!!! PS_ doesn't that turkey looking critter on the mib look deep in thought? Or maybe just sad to leave me LOL
  16. SORRY! I spelled Christensen wrong in title. Can't edit title. I have been wondering about these 12 marbles for a long time. They have identical colors - Bright very white base glass, bright orange outer color, bright yellows in the center of the orange, and very thin dark lines in the yellow. They graduate in size from 5/8" down to 1/2". However using a template, when using the correct hole of course, they don't always fit as they should. One will fit as it should but the next one, in the same hole, leaves a gap. It's almost as if they graduate by the very smallest of increments. Top row right to left: 5/8", 19/32", 19/32" gap, 19/32" gap, 9/16" 2nd row right to left: 9/16" gap, 17/32", 17/32" gap, 17/32" gap, 1/2" 3rd row left to right: 1/2" gap, 1/2" gap Does my description make sense? Could this set of 12 come from a salesman's case or something? Maybe I drink too much coffee. Thanks! PS_ forgot to add that they have an opaque base.
  17. WOWZA! You must have been a heck of a shooter to have won all those glass beauties! Cool beans
  18. on the approx. value of a 7/8" Peltier Spiderman in mint condition? TIA
  19. LOL boy do I feel like a nimcompoop. Right click twice, open in a new tab, and up she comes. Thanks Steph! and that marble is sure enough a beautiful pink in my eyes.
  20. WooHoooo - go get 'em mama! Very nice and a true "mother"lode
  21. It sure looks like pink base glass to me. However, I still can't supersize the pics for some reason. I just get a white box with a whirly-gig loading symbol that peters out after a few seconds. It's a very nice marble Cat's and oh boy they are not easy to find.
  22. They're 11/16" David. There's 20 marbles per bag. Really bright colors in very clear glass. The header reads "BARTON'S SUPERIOR MARBLES" on both sides. No country of origin listed. No other info at all. Later I'll check the shipping crate/box and see if there's any more info on it. It's really lucky how these came to me. An Ebay seller had one bag up for auction and had it listed as a bag of "digger machine" marbles. The auction had no picture. I thought, "what the heck are digger machine marbles"? Anyways, I was the only bidder. I asked him if he had anymore and he said he had the old distributor box with more bags. The box was the orig. one that had been sent to the amusement company that had ordered them years before. Well, the seller bought the old "claw" machine at auction and found the box with bags in the storage compartment/base of the machine. As I had bought them sight unseen, I was happy to find that they were vintage 6 vane 3 color catseyes. BTW: how would a bag of marbles ever survive one of those claw machines intact?
  23. Please don't feel humbled Pene-Lope. I am pretty darn old and have been collecting marbles and marble bags for well over 30 years. Way back then a marble bag could be had for $8-$10 or even less sometimes. Ya' know, I started out with a handful too. Then I came across a few jars of them. Then a box. Then a collection or two. And then the confounded internet in the early 1990's. Marble collecting, for me, was a way to escape the drudgery and monotony of a less than fulfilling life I say marble collecting is like collecting wild fruits. Only collect what you love and really want and then leave the rest for the other birds! LOL PS___I hope I am not coming across as a braggard to other board members by posting so many pics. I sure don't want to give that impression. I'm just happy to have gotten back in the "marble groove". Never figured I would miss it as much as I did.
  24. Clear base glass. The 4 pink vanes are almost transparent.(Semi-transparent?). The vanes are a true pink and not lilac or light purple. Yeah I know- my pics are crummy LOL
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